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(a/n: before we get started with this chapter y'all should know that his ex is FAKE. I made her up and you can imagine her as any person you want.I made her the antagonist in the chapter. Her names also made up, well sorta, I looked up some names and yeah, but looks-wise, she's kinda based off other characters in animes I've watched combined so yea, no let's get into the ✨chapter✨)


you freeze, "what?" you ask, trying to sound as calm as possible

"ex. She's my ex. akari, jesus, I broke up with you 9 months ago," 

"your still mine in my mind~anyways what are you doing here?" she says then sits in the chair in front of you, she had long black hair with stunning golden-brown eyes. She was absolutely beautiful and perfect, why'd he break up with her?

"why is it your business?" bakugou says with an irritated tone

"still angry as ever I see,"

he scoffs and at his phone.

wait what? so the girl in front of me is bakugou's ex? the hell? I'm confused. you look between bakugou and uraraka, what the hell happened? 

"hi! I'm Akari Takahashi! Nice to meet you!" shes says with a sweet tone looking at you

"hi, um let's start," 

*after her interview was over*

"thank you for your time!" she says to you, then turns to bakugou, "Hope I see you again!" 

"I don't," he says without sparing her a glance

she ignores his attitude and looks at you, "he wants to see me," she whispers, you tense up and force a smile, "I bet," 

"well bye! thank you again!" she heads out and closes the door. 

you turn your chair to the blonde on the couch, "what the hell was that?" you ask, no longer trying to hide the anger welling up

he looks at you and puts his phone down, sitting up," nothing, just my ex,"

"Why the hell did she say that she was your girlfriend then?"

" I don't know, she likes to mess with me,"

"why'd you break up with her?"

"..." he stays silent

"did you hear me?" you ask

"yes I did. I don't see why this is your problem though, why do you need to know?"

"because i-" you realize you guys didn't have a title to your relationship or whatever was going on. you really didn't have a reason to ask

"because you what?"

"because...of whatever happening between us," you say looking down to your hands, which were slightly fiddling with each other 

"like what?" he asks, without even looking at him, you knew he had a small smirk on his face

"you know!" you say, looking up from your hands to see the smirk you knew he had

"hm..I don't really follow, I think I'll have to hear it,"

"because we slept together and today...things..." you mumble

"sorry couldn't quite hear you," he pauses

you turn your chair, rolling your eyes, to open your laptop and check your notes from the interviews, all is wanted to know was what happened, he's so defensive about it, he even turned the conversation into him being the questionnaire, that's totally not fair. ugh, I want to know what happened, but I'll never get it out of him today. probably won't get it out of him for the next year if he's this defensive about it, why does my curiosity get the best of-

to be a phoenix// k.bakugouOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant