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(heres a the daily song:))

you wake up with a pounding headache. probably shouldn't have drank so much last night..

you sit up and see a still passed out denki. hehe he looks ridiculous. his hair was sticking out everywhere and he had a lot of drool on his mouth.  you get up and decide to torture you friend even more. you grab noise canceling headphones to protect your head from getting worse and your ears from the noise you'll create. then you grab a pot and a spoon. you start to walk out of the kitchen with the headphones on and start banging the spoon against the pot screaming 

"wake up shit head!"

he jolts awake and falls from the couch.  as he lifts his head up he hits his head on the the table and immediately goes back down with his hands behind his head, "AHHH FUCKING BITCH MY HEAD HURTS" he whines. you laugh and remove your headphones. 

"you gotta hangover?" 

"YES WHAT TF ELSE YOU THINK?!" he yells, obviously cranky from the way he woke up this morning. 

you giggle and walk to the kitchen to make a smoothie that you make every time you have a hangover. you wince at the loud blender and remove the lid to pour out two drinks; one for you the other for denki.

you walk into the living room to see kami in a bright yellow hoodie and purple sunglasses. he turned to look at you and and waddled over to grab the smoothie from your hand. as he walks to the counter and sits, you giggle a bit at the sight of him. you soon follow and sit next to him, both of you drinking the smoothie. 

a few minute later you hear a phone ringing, both of you wince a bit at the sudden loud noise. kami gets up and grabs the phone answering it. 

"hi baby" he says, there was a pause, jiro was on the other side, you knew because he said 'baby'. they've been dating for a little under a year now. you ship it hard. 

"im with y/n rn, can you get me but um.." he pauses, "yes..i didn't mean to but then i drank too much and now here i am." he flinches a bit, "can you speak a bit softer please? i have a killer headache...thank you...ok yes..see you soon..bye love you." he hung up the phone and flopped on the couch. 

"we don't have anything important today do we? because i don't think i'll survive." you say, the headache now a migraine. 

" i don't think so, ask jiro, she'll know."

thats right, jiro was the event organizer for the mafia..duh. 

*fifteen minutes later*

a car pulls into you driveway and you hear a car door close and a knock at the door.

you go to open it, "heh..hi." this was normal for jiro to see her boss acting like a kid. "hey. really hope the hangovers not that bad..theres a job tonight. remember the man our hitman couldn't take so you wanted to do it yourself? well tonights the night."

"shit. i forgot about that." you say, mentally slapping yourself.

"its fine. the guy will be at the annual fundraiser for the yakuza tonight, take him out there while getting to make allies with the yakuza, kills two bird with one stone," she says "the exact word from your mouth."

you smile a bit, "yes..will you come?"

"what?" she says 

"to the fundraiser, will you come? it would be nice to have a familiar face or two there."

"oh of course but i don't have anything to wear.."

"don't worry about that, i'll get you something."

"sorry i took so long!"  a booming voice behind you says. 

you look at kami with a death glare. 

he gulps and says sorry in a meek tone

you look away from him and back to jiro, "that ok?"

"yes of course thank you.now move slow poke! you need a suit for tonight! so MOVE!" denki quickly exits the house and kisses jiro on the top of her head. "mmk" he mumbles.

"see you guys there. bye!" you wave as they walk to the car. you shut the door and check your phone. 

~1:56 pm~
*one new notification*

you open your phone and check the new notification, 

see you later!

eh? who? what? weird..

"AH SHIT" you checked the time again and. realized you only had 5 hours to get a dress, get ready,  and plan the assassination. 



let me think..





phone..che-NOT CHECK NO CHECK 

you look around the room to find your phone and spend 5 minutes ripping your room apart to find it. you give up and walk back to where you were before you messed up your room and found your phone sitting right next to your purse. 

you face palm yourself and mutter to yourself. you grab your phone and purse and head out to the limo awaiting you. 

its go time.

a/n: that phone moment is me all the time with everything i loose. oop

to be a phoenix// k.bakugouWhere stories live. Discover now