Not always a happy ending {Moceit}

Start from the beginning

He didn't know why he was crying, he knew it was going to end this way but he let himself have a small flicker of hope that this would turn out fine, and his parents would be supportive and love him for exactly who he is. Why he let himself believe that could even possibly happen he didn't know, looking back it was incredibly stupid of him, he knew how his parents were, he should have know better, but now here he was, crying, packing his things, and about too be thrown out of the only home he had ever truely known. Hope is for suckers.

Once everything he would need was in a bag, he decided that he could come back for the rest of his things sometime later when he had a place to put them if his parents decided to keep them, or even let him come back to get them, not that he really cared anymore. Then he heard the loud voice of his father from downstairs,

"Your 5 minutes are over!" He grabbed his backpack and slung it over his shoulder, and took one last look at the room he had grown up in then left forever.

Once he was at the bottom of the stairs he looked at the ground quickly walking toward the door of his house. While his hand was on the doorknob he looked back at his parents and saw his father looking at him coldly and his mother refused to meet his eyes. He glared at both of them.

Patton opened the door and quickly, slamming it shut, and left his childhood home. Once he was down the street a little he let out a sob that he was desperately trying to hold in and once he started crying he couldn't stop. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone calling Janus.

"I-it didn't go well" Patton sobbed over the phone, "they k-kicked me out"

"I'm on my way," Janus told him.

End of flashback

So that's where he was. Sobbing while walking toward his boyfriend's house, where he was told he could stay if things went poorly.

Janus was walking toward Patton's house to meet him in the middle. He had expected that things wouldn't be perfect when Patton came out but he didn't expect them to kick him out. After a few minutes of walking, he saw Patton, hunched over crying, walking in his direction.

When he saw Janus in the distance Patton sprinted toward him. Once he reached Janus he fell into his arms sobbing.

Janus held Patton in his arms tightly whispering sweet nothings to him while rubbing circles on his back. To say Janus was angry would be an understatement, he was very pissed. Pissed at Pattons parents for being so awful too such a wonderful person, pissed at himself for convincing Patton it would be okay when Patton knew otherwise, but most of all he was pissed at whoever decided that being gay was wrong. So many people faced so many horrible things just because they are gay, it isnt fair.

After a few minutes of standing there, Patton started to calm down, tears no longer falling down his face.

"Let's go home, okay," Janus told him. Patton looked at him with red eyes and nodded, grabbing his hand.

Janus led Patton toward his house in silence, Patton not trusting his voice to speak. After a few more minutes of walking, they finally got to Janus' house.

Once they walked inside they noticed that Janus' dads were waiting for them in the living room. They had both agreed to let Patton stay with them just in case that was needed.

One of Janus' dads, Remus, greeted them at the door "are you okay sweetie?" he asked him. He had wanted to give Patton a hug but he knew that he could be seen as creepy or weird quite a lot so he decided on just giving him what he hoped was a concerned look.

Patton looked up at Remus and smiled "I'm fine" Janus knew he wasn't, how Patton could be sobbing one minute and smiling the next, Janus had no clue. Patton had a terrible habit of repressing his feelings, he wouldn't let anyone, except Janus, see him show any emotion except happy. "I-I knew this was going to happen," Patton finished.

Just then Janus' other dad, Logan, walked in "Hey Patton, we're sorry about what happened, but you are more than welcome to stay here for as long as you need to. You can stay in the spare bedroom next to Janus' room" Logan told him with a small, sad smile. He himself knew what it was like too be kicked out just because he was bisexual and he didn't want Patton to go through what he went through at all, but definitely not alone.

Janus made a sound of surprise, and disappointment "What?!"

Logan looked at him with a blank stare, "spare. Bedroom. This is not up for debate"

Janus sighed quietly and Patton smiled "thank you so much for letting me stay here, I hope I'm not too much of a burden," Patton told them.

"Nonsense, if anyone's the burden here it's Janus," Remus said to him jokingly. "Now we'll let you get settled".

Janus and Patton walked upstairs, Patton set his stuff in the room he would be staying in then they went into Janus' room. Janus knew that whenever Patton was upset he liked watching movies and cuddling so that's what they are gonna do.

"Would you like to watch a movie?" Janus asked, making sure that's what Patton wanted. Patton nodded and Janus noticed that his act of being fine was starting to slip so he hurriedly put on the movie and wrapped Patton up in his arms while they sat on his bed.

After a few minutes, Janus noticed that tears were running down Patton's face. He wiped Patton's tears and kissed his cheek "It's okay to not be okay, dear. It has been a stressful night for you and you don't have to act fine, especially around me"

That seemed to break Patton because a few seconds later there were even more tears running down his face. Patton quickly put his face in the crook of Janus' neck and Janus quickly pulled him into his arms, running his fingers through Pattons hair, gently rocking them back and forth.

After a few minutes, Patton stopped crying, still sniffing a little, and was leaning in Janus' arms. "Would you like to lay down dear?" Janus asked. Patton simply nodded, his voice too strained from crying to talk.

So that's what they did. Janus laid down and pulled Patton on top of him. Janus kissed the top of Pattons head squeezing him just a little bit tighter "I love you, kitten"

"I love you too Jan," Patton told him, burying his head further into the crook of Janus' neck, soon falling asleep.

And that's how Janus' dads found them later that night, sleeping cuddled up together. Although, they couldn't seem to care. Just for tonight though. If, or more accurately, when they found them like this again in the future the two boys wouldn't hear the end of it the next morning, and with the conflicting personalities of Logan and Remus, it was not a pleasant morning for the two lovers.

~1894 words~

This hurt to write....

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2020 ⏰

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