Sickly {Prinxiety}

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Virgil woke up and immediately knew something was off. Once he sat up he knew exactly what it was.

 He was sick. 

He knew it by the way his head was pounding and by the way his throat ached and his stomach turned from any small movement. He immediately groaned and laid back down bundling up in all his blankets. ‘Why is it so cold in my room?’ He wondered.

 He was laying in his bed for what felt like only a few seconds but was probably closer to 10 minutes when he heard Patton call from the kitchen “Breakfast is ready kiddo’s!” he groaned for the second time this morning and looked at the clock, it read 10:14 am. With what little strength he had he decided not to be a burden and got up to join the others for breakfast. He wrapped his blanket around himself tightly and made his way to the dining room trying his best to ignore the throbbing pain in his head. 

Once he sat down he immediately laid his head on the table. Once Patton noticed the strange behavior he strolled up to Virgil and put a hand on his head, “kiddo you're burning up. Why don't you drink some water then head back on up to bed, I'll bring you some food and medicine in a few minutes.” Patton told him. 

Virgil sat up and drank some water before getting up and starting to make his way back to his room. He was about to turn the corner to the hall when he bumped into something warm. It was Roman. Once he hit Romans warm, comfortable, body he couldn't help himself from leaning all his weight on him and nuzzling his head in the crook of his neck.

 Roman put his arms around his boyfriend and gave Patton a questioning look.

 “He’s sick,” Patton told him while getting medicine from the cabinet.

 He nodded then in one swift movement picked Virgil up bridal style and carried him to Romans bedroom.

He laid Virgil down on his bed and Virgil wined from the lack of body heat. Roman chuckled “one minute my love”.

 Virgil watched as Roman left him alone in his room and buried himself in Romans bed, shoving his face in the pillow trying his hardest to get warm but it seemed that his body just didn't know how to produce heat anymore. 

When Roman got back to his room he saw Virgil cuddled up in his bed. He smiled to himself and sat next to Virgil, stroking his hair. “Here I have your medicine and Patton said he would bring you food whenever you get hungry” Roman told him.

Virgil sat up and leaned against roman taking the medicine from him. Once he downed the medicine he wrapped his arms around roman and laid his head on his shoulder “mmm warm” Virgil mumbled.

Roman chuckled and pressed a kiss to his temple “how about we lay down.” he said.

Roman adjusted them so he was laying down with Virgil practically on top of him and with Virgil's head buried in Romans' chest. 

“Would you like to watch a movie with me, hot topic? Or would you rather go back to sleep?” Roman asked Virgil while he leaned down and kissed the top of his head. 

“Mmm, can we watch The Nightmare Before Christmas?” Virgil asked with a low scratchy voice. 

Virgil lifted his head to look at roman and the roman smiled down at him.

“Of course, mi Amor” roman told him while grabbing his laptop off his nightstand to put on the movie. 

Once the movie was on roman pulled Virgil closer and wrapped them more tightly into their blankets. After about an hour of watching the movie he heard soft snores coming from the younger side. He looked down and saw Virgil asleep. Roman smiled to himself then put his laptop away, laying down with Virgil, soon falling asleep himself. 

663 words

This is crap and I know it.

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