"Hey." I said brightly as I lower my phone from my ear.

"Is there something going in with you and that guy?" Was the first thing he said after he taps on his phone, his forehead creased.

"No." I said calmly. Anyone would think that but there is really nothing. Seongjun studies me for a moment. "What?" I ask.

"There's really nothing?"

"Really nothing."

He nods. "Then tell him to go to the cafeteria. We're eating with Eunchae and Huijun."

"Can't we just..." I trail off. There's no way I can convince him out of this. "Fine."

We walk down the staircase as I sent a quick text to Seungmin telling him to meet us in the cafeteria because I've been kidnapped by Seongjun. They already met each other, but they haven't really talked yet; just the formality of exchanging names and shaking hands.

"You don't like him, do you?" Seongjun asked. I look up at him from my phone. "Huijun. That's why you're not eating with us? I can see your face every morning when he picks up Eunchae. Did he do something?"

Why do people think the reason I'm distancing myself from Eunchae is because I don't like her new boyfriend? Though I think that's a better assumption than my real reason. "No. I want to be independent."

He looked at me skeptically. "Oh. Your first week of high school and you already want to get rid of us?"

I laugh. "Mainly you, but yeah."

"You know you can't get rid of me that easily, right?" He had a mischievous smile on his face.

I fake grunted. "I know! You're like a leech which stick to us like a parasite."

He points a finger at me. "Hey, don't go on making a new nickname for me now. I go by fox even if that's horrible too."

"Alrighty, foxy." I teased.

"Just fox!"

I laugh. An irritated Seongjun is always a fun Seongjun.

We reached the cafeteria and took the seats across from the couple. Huijun already has a tray of cafeteria food in front of him and Eunchae's lunch box is already out.

"Nice of you to join us." She smiles.

I still find it hard to lay my eyes on Huijun, "I've been abducted by this leech."

"I said fo..." Seongjun sigh in defeat. "I'm not even gonna argue with you anymore."

I pat his shoulder in fake consolation as Seungmin arrived. He gestured for Huijun to move over so he sat across from me now.

"Seungmin!" Eunchae beams. "You're here."

"What's up today?" Huijun asked him. "You said you don't wanna join us."

"Yeona invited me."

"Yeona?" Huijun's eyes met mine. I quickly glance away.

"She did?" Eunchae said. "Since when are you guys close?"

"Oh, they've been-" Seongjun started but I stomped on his foot before he could continue. "Ow!"

"Was that your foot? I'm so sorry." He glares at me. "Aren't you going to buy lunch?"

He stood up. "I should probably do before I run out of energy from all your weirdness. Really, what's with you today?" But he just continues to walk away. "You guys can eat first."

I took out my lunch box-boxes and start to remove the lid. Eunchae did the same with hers.

"You should go buy your food too." Huijun told Seungmin.

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