Chapter Twenty-Eight

Start from the beginning

"CoMe on' iNk. JuSt brEathe anD c-cAlm dOwn!" I said, holding on to his shoulders. His coughing was growing worse, what the hell even caused him to start coughing! I looked over to the others, clear panic was across my face. Cross was right next to me, trying to get Ink to breathe normally like I was. Dream and Blue were staring in disbelief, and Core had no intention of letting Ink go. The other were just standing in shock, no one knowing what to do. I looked back at Ink, who stared at me with fear and pain in his eyes. I watched as black ink started to drool from his mouth like Geno's blood. It just kept getting worse. "You'Re gOnna be Okay, inK. Just cAlM doWn anD brEathE..."

Ink slowly nodded, continuing to look at us even when he couldn't see. Ink exhaled shakily, and started to breath regularly again. I could feel the tension in the room leave somewhat, but I was still nervous. As soon as his breathing came back to normal levels, Core hugged him tighter. And I couldn't help but follow them, I hugged Ink tightly he completely stopped coughing. "See yOu're ok..." And although I said it to Ink, I meant it for myself. Ink relaxed a little more, or well, he went limp. I sighed, knowing that he most likely wasn't having trouble staying awake. I let go of him, and looked at the others, each of them shocked, relieved or just plain confused. I looked back at Ink, he wasn't asleep, but I could tell he was exhausted. I got up and sat next to him, letting him lean on me for support.

"Ink, are you ok?" Cross asked, I wanted to know the answer too.

"Y-ye-s. I-I'm fi*cough*ne." Ink said quietly and shakily. I looked down at the small skeleton, he was definitely not fine! I snarled at his answer, but before I could say anything Dream beat me to it.

"Ink, you are not fine! This is the second time this has happened!" Dream said, obviously annoyed that Ink was trying to play this all off.

"Wait-second time! Ink, when did this happen before!" Cross asked, looking at a Dream and Blue even though he had addressed Ink.

"When Error and Ink came back from UnderHospital, Ink broke down into a coughing fit! Ink you are not ok! Stop saying that you are!" Dream continued. We all looked at Ink, who was to tired to argue.

"O-ok..." he whispered. He eyes were so close to being closed that you'd think up he was asleep. Core finally let go of Ink and stared up at him in disbelief, they then hugged him one last time whispering something and left. I stood up helping the blinded Ink up aswell, and told everyone, "I'm taKing iNk, bacK to tHe sTarS base sO hE won'T be tempTed to hElp. YoU three teLl theM whAt US cHarA and uS FrisK saId." They all nodded at my decision and I opened a portal knowing Ink wouldn't handle teleporting well. I helped Ink walk through and lead him up the stairs to his room.

Ink groped his way to his bed and sat down, at sat down next to him. He was still a little shaky but he had been that way since he had woken up from his coma. I looked around his room, it was a mess. I guess no one had cleaned it up. I kicked some paint bottles away as the rolled on the floor more paint spread. Whoops. I looked over to Ink who barely had his eyes opened. I sighed. I hate seeing him like this, it just feels wrong.

"InK, I neEd to chEck yoUr cRacKs oK?" I said, moving to grab some new bandages. Ink nodded slowly and turned to where he thought I was. I cautiously took hold of one of his arms, wondering if my haphephobia would kick in or if he would flinch at my touch. Neither happened. I unwrapped his old bandages and found the scars, bruises and cracks that has occurred over weeks time some maybe even before that. I remember how when I asked him about them back at the hospital he hadn't given me a straight answer maybe he will now...

"InK?" I asked softly. He looked up at me his eyes shaking, as I continued to unravel the old bandages. "WilL you tEll me hoW yoU gOt these cRacks and ScaRs?" He looked down at his arms, however he couldn't see anything. He looked back at me, "t-the            c-creators, they...they just." I was having a hard time following what he was saying, so I decided to ask him.

"Ink, aRe soMe of TheSe sCaRs from befOre aLl the unIveRses sTarted Going dOwn?" I asked him, he nodded his head. I sighed, as I began to place some medicine on his many cracks.

"Do yOu knOw whO did iT to yOu?" I asked again, and he nodded.

"Can yOu telL me whO?" I asked, this time I got no response. Ink wiped his mouth removing the black ink only for more to come. I rewrapped his arms in the new bandages.

"S-sometimes..the creators...I don't..." he started, but stopped. Something was bothering him. I waited patiently, hoping he would find the way to tell me what happened. Each second I waited the more worried I got. I don't want to admit it, but I love the squid. And I really hate seeing him like this. "S-sometimes...when the creators start getting mad...or when I don't do exactly what they wanted...they start, they'll just start yelling and then they'd do..then they'd do that." I swear when I find those damn creators that do this to him. I bit my nonexistent lip, and clenched my hands into fists, as Ink continued, "they for a while...they..they still do it, but I started listening to them. And..and I'm really sorry Error! I didn't mean to do it some much! I just couldn't stop!" Ink was starting to cry now, I grabbed hold of him, hugging him tightly.

"InK, yOu don'T have to Be sOrry. JuSt know tHose crEators yoU lIsten to, wHatever tHey teLl yOu, yOu doN't havE to Listen. I kNow SanseS hate pRomisEs buT prOmise me Ink, thAt yOu wilL sTop lisTeninG to theM and sTop hUrtinG yoUrseLf!" I said, rubbing his back and he held onto me tighter. I could tell he really didn't want to tell me, but I was glad he did. This is not gonna be something the others want to here though. I sighed, as Ink kept crying quietly. "I c-can't..."

"PrOmise me, Ink!" I said, letting go of him and staring him in the eye sockets. I knew he couldn't see me, but he stared back.

"I p-promise..." Ink said, he was tired, hurt and frail. I moved to the back of his bed so my back was leaning against the wall. I pulled him close to me and let him lean on me. His eyes were already somewhat closed, and his body was limp. "You caN go to sLeEp now InK..." I said, quietly. Ink nodded back to me, and I pulled a blanket on top of him so he'd be more comfortable. "I loVe yOu, Kiki." I whispered expecting him to be asleep.

"L-love you too, R-Ruru..." Ink exhaled, as if he was having trouble breathing. He breathing evened out and it only took second for him to fall asleep. I lightly kissed him on his forehead, and began to drift off to sleep.

Ok, I hope you liked this Chapter, even though I feel like it's terrible! Anywho, the end is near guys! It's gonna be harder to get these next chapters out cause I have no idea what to write! I wanna add a little more Errink before the end though! Also if you like this book I am planning a sequel! So has their will be a sequel, that one will have a lot more Dustberry and Cream in it, but of course it will also have Errink. Alright enough talking. Hope you enjoyed!

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