The Funeral

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Hey Hey Hey!!! Hope you all enjoy this chapter and please give me ideas pls my brain cant think of ideas. Thx and love

"Naruto-kun, Gaara, I had a really bad dream. We were at the Chunin Exams and Kankuro died and.... wait..... why am I in the hospital? Where's Kankuro? Why do you too look sa-"

She then realizes why Kankuro isn't here. Why she's in the Hospital bed. Why the two boys look sad and tired. She burts into tears.

"Temari-chan!!" He jumps into her hospital bed and starts to rub her back while she cries into his chest. "Why him....Why did Kankuro have to die...Why do we have to suffer..... Naruto-kun can we go home please...?" "Okay Temari-chan anything for you." The three disappear and reappear inside the mansion.

The couple sits on the couch and Temari falls asleep in Naruto's arms. Gaara gets tea for the two boys and sits His on the side of the couch, and hands Naruto's cup to him. They both take a sip and put their cups down. "So, have you heard anything from or about Rasa?" "No," was the redheads response. "There have been rumors going around that father has died, which is unreal." They sit there for a few minutes then they hear a knock on the door.

They open the door to see Baki. "Gaara-sama, Naruto-San, We have found Kazekage-sama's body. Hes dead." The two freeze. "O-Ok-Okay, thank you Baki-sensei," Naruto says in a weak tone. Baki then disappears, which leaves Naruto and Gaara wondering how their gonna say this to Temari.

"Wow... so my father and my brother are dead. I'll probably be his successor and become the Kazekage myself. So I want you to be my apprentice, okay?" "Okay, I understand Gaara-sama. That's gonna be hard to say at times." "You don't have to call me that, so just call me Gaara. Plain and simple." He walks off into his room. Naruto goes to the Kitchen to start making dinner.

"Temari-chan, wake up," he says, pushing her softly. "Ugh what do you wan- oh, Naruto-kun, *sniffles* sorry," the blond girl responds.

-Timeskip 4 days-

Today is the official funeral for Rasa and Kankuro. The three newly chunin ninjas walk towards where the funeral will be held. The three make it their and the ceremony starts. "Today we honor the death of the 4th Kazekage and Kankuro. Let's pray for them." They finish their prayer and everyone places flowers by the two tombstones of the two important figures in Suna. Gaara Walks up to the tombstones and puts Kankuro's paint bottle (you know, the paint he uses for his face) infront of the tombstone. He walks over to Rasa's headstone and puts his hand on it and says, "father, I'm sorry I wasn't there to help you. To save you. To protect you. I will protect the villiage from enemy shinobi by becoming the Kazekage, and surpassing even you father. I want you to be *sniffle* proud of me." Gaara starts to cry, the first time since he met Naruto. He wipes his tears and walks towards the couple. Naruto nods at Gaara and the two walk up, Naruto's hand around Temari's back. "I love you, you silly pervert," Temari says, sniffling between words. She then bursts into tears, crying into Naruto's chest. " Its okay Temari-chan, we'll get through this together, okay? I'll comfort you and hug you whenever you need it." After a few more minutes of mourning, the three head home. They get to the house to see something horrible.

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