The mourning of a lost soul

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Hey everyone. Forgive me for letting Kankuro die. It's a build up for something sick. Just watch. Love you guys and enjoy!!

"I can't believe she fainted," Naruto Said to Gaara. "The Shock of her brother being dead seriously took a toll on her. I mean I'm shocked and angry, but you know me. I don't show a lot of emotion anyways, so I'm shocked and angry but not as much as the normal person would be," he replied to the blond boy who was carrying Temari to Suna so that she could get checked on. Naruto looks at the red head with concern on his face. "You can tell hes worried kit," "yeah, no kidding. I really feel bad for him. It IS HIS brother, ya know? He'll get through this, and so will me and Temari-chan." He stops talking to Kurama to see Gaara ahead of him, setting up camp. He asks, "sooooo when did you start setting up camp?" He asks in a nervous tone. "Ten minutes ago. You suddenly stopped to talk to Kurama I'm guessing?" "Yeah," was his response. The two fall asleep, with Temari in Naruto's arms. The next day, they make it to Suna.

"Hello you three, why is Temari asleep and Where's Kankuro?"he asked. "Um Temari passed out. The reason is the answer to the second question. Kankuro's dead." Narto responded. "WHAT?!?! HOW?!?!" He yelled. "Orochimaru and a lot of Sound ninja came and Destroyed most of Konoha, killed the third Hokage, and killed Kankuro," Naruto responded, sounding quite depressed. "O-Oh ok. Come in." The guard said to the two boys and the still passed out girl. They get to the hospital and they get Temari a room to stay in until she wakes up. While they are walking back to their house, they realize something. "Yo, Gaara, you remember how Rasa acted like he didnt know who I was?" "Yeah. He also never calls us his children. He calls us by our names. I dont think that was him. Maybe....... No that couldn't happen. Let's go inside and get Kurama and Shukaku and figure this out. So the 4 start trying to find out what happened to Gaara's father. Kit, Gaara, I dont know what could've happened. The first thing that comes to mind is reanimation Jutsu, but that would require for the Kazakage to die. And I dont think Rasa would die just like that to Orochimaru without a fight. I dont know." "I don't know either boys. Maybe Kuramas right. I know Naruto has gotten strong but hes still not as strong as Rasa, so that makes me wonder if Orochimaru needed help killing Rasa, and maybe had some of his subordinates help out." "Thanks Kura, Shukaku." "No problem, kit." "Wow. Maybe Rasa did die to Orochimaru and his subordinates. Jeez that's a lot of people dead." "*sniff*, no, father wouldn't go down that *sniff* fast. Hes too strong to die that fast, right Naruto?" "I dont know Gaara. We'll figure this out. I'm gonna go check on Temari-chan." "Alright. I'll talk to Shukaku a little bit." And with that Naruto walks out the door and towards the Hospital.

"*knocks* Can I come in? No answer, fine. *opens door* *closes door* Temari-chan, I love you. Please wake up." He kisses her forehead and falls asleep in the chair beside her.

He woke up to a knock at the door, which turned out to be Granny Chiyo. "Hello, Naruto." "Hey Granny Chiyo." (Hes met Granny Chiyo already. Temari introduced him to the two siblings) "How is she?" She asks him. "Shes doing okay. The doctor said that she'll be waking up by tomorrow afternoon. I'm suprised she didnt pass out right when he got stabbed. She did see it right in front of her." "Poor girl, she'll probably have nightmares for months, maybe even years." Granny Chiyo adds. "Yeah. I'll be here for her through all of it." He adds. "That's great. Please be good to her. I dont want her to be any more heartbroken then she already is." "Yes ma'am." They talk for a while, then she leaves and Naruto leaves about an our later to get some dinner with Gaara. "Oi, Gaara!!" He yells into the mansion. "What?! I'm trying to read so if it isn't important, then PLEASE dont interrupt!! You know how hard it is for me to pick up where I was last!!" "Jeez sorry!! Just was gonna ask if you wanted to get some dinner!!" After the word dinner escaped Naruto's mouth, Gaara appeared right in front of him. "Yes I'm starving and you're paying because of your interruption while I was reading." "Ugh, fine."

They make their way to the best Ramen place in Suna to eat. "I'll take the chicken and shrimp please." "I'll take the same." They both dig in to their delicious dinner. Once they finish they go to the hospital to check on Temari. "Temari-chan should still be passed out. The doctors said that she'd be up by tomorrow afternoon, which is great." "Yeah," was the red-headed boy's response. "You alright?" Naruto asks him.  "Yeah, why?" "I don't know, you just seem off, ya know? I know you're not the emotion filled type of person anyways, but you seem depressed," The blonde says to Gaara. "Well I guess you would be depressed too if your sister passed out, your brother dead, your father potentially dead, and people still not getting the best reaction from people that you want to be friends with." He says in a rather attitude/sadness filled tone. "Sorry," the blonde responds to the red head. "Its okay, really. I shouldn't have responded the way I did." "It doesn't matter anyways Gaara, our focus needs to be on Temari-chan and her waking up and getting better."

The two boys get inside the hospital, into her room, and talk for about an hour. They then go to sleep in the two chairs that were in the room.

The next morning they got up and went to get breakfast in the cafeteria, which was good, but not as good as the dinner they had last night. They make their way back to the room with their breakfast. They eat it and talk to Shukaku and Kurama. "Yo, Kura, Shukaku. We want to talk while we have the chance. We probably won't get a chance with Temari-chan crying about Kankuro." "You pick the worst times, kit." The fox says. "Yeah, I was just taking a nap. Bad Naruto, BAD!!" "EEEEEEE Sorry dude! Dont scare me like that." The 4 talk about random things when they hear someone. A familiar voice. Temari's voice.

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