The Confession.....

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THE MOMENT YOU'VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR!!!!! I think idk you'll have to watch lol. Love yall and thanks for the support.👍👍


We are walking home and I look over at Naruto-kun and he looks like hes gonna get beat up. He might if he tests me. We get back to the apartments. Gaara and Kankuro go to their rooms and we go to my room tonight. *closes door* "Ok Naruto what in the actual frick was that about?" I say in a calm, but extremely scary voice. "I-I dont k-know Temari-chan. I just hear-" "HEARD WHAT?!?! A LITTLE TWEETY BRID THAT SAID BEAT THE LIVING SNOT OUT OF A POOR LITTLE KID?!?! IS THAT WHAT YOU HEARD NARUTO?!?!" "No, Temari-chan. I heard you. You were worried about me and my well being. You thought I wasn't going to make it. You cared about me." "SO?!?! THAT DOESNT MEAN YOU GO AND BEAT A KID UP BECAUSE I SAID I CARED ABOUT YOU!! WHY DID YOU GO AND DESTROY THE POOR THICK BROWED KID BECAUSE I TOLD YOU NOT TO DIE ON ME?!?! THAT SHOULDNT BE A REASON TO HUR-" "BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!! I ALWAYS HAVE!! SOMETHING CLICKED IN ME THAT DIDNT WANT TO MAKE YOU WORRY ABOUT ME!! I HATE WHEN SOMEONE THAT I TRULY LOVE WORRIES ABOUT MY LIFE!! IS THAT A GOOD ENOUGH EXPLANATION FOR YOU?!?!" Wow. He loves me? HE LOVES ME?!?! I must have been staring dead in his eyes because he looks terrified.


She won't stop looking at me. Is she gonna kill me? Is she gonna say something? I look away turning beetroot red when I remember what I told her. I look up and her face is almost more red than mine is. "I'm sorry for yelling at you Temari-chan I didnt mean to sa-" "I love you too," she whispers. SHE DOES?!?! OH MY FREAKING GOD MAN!!! "ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?! ILL BE RIIIIIIGHT BACK!!" I leave to go over to my not biological brother and best friend. "GAARA OPEN THE DOOR NOW!!" I yell. He opens the door in his pajamas. "What do you want?"he says in a sleepy tone. I push him in to his room and shut the door." YOU KNOW HOW I HAVE AN AMAZING CRUSH ON YOUR SISTER?! "Yeah," was his response."SHE LOVES ME TOO!! IM SO HAPPY!! OK BYE!!" and there I leave. I open and close the door in the matter of seconds. I bust through Temari-chan's door and I say, " if you are willing to date me, I would'nt wouldn't care. I mean it's not a bad thing ya know? Am I being to casual? I'm sorry if I am I'm just really nervous and I dont know what to sa-" she kisses me on the lips to cut me off. I was in shock at first, but I kissed her back, deepening the kiss. I put my hands on her sides, and eventually made my way to her butt. She made a slight moan, and we broke off, needing Oxygen. We got in bed and fell asleep cuddling against each other. We woke up the next morning, kissed each other, and got ready for our training. We left the apartments and met up with the two boys. "Soooooo lovebirds, what happened last ni- OUCHHH!!!" Temari-chan interrupted him with a smack on his head. "Dont talk dirty Kankuro!!" Sorry Temari-chan," he responded. I love her. I walk up to her and kiss her on the cheek, and she blushes a deep crimson. "Its ok Tema-chan. Kankuro was just trying to be funny. Of course, it wasn't," I say to her, glancing at him with a deathly glare. He looks like he saw a ghost." Alright Naruto-kun. But I swear Kankuro, one more dirty joke and your DEAD," she added. Goodness shes scary but I still have completely fallen for her.


We have about finished training, finding out weaknesses, and making them stronger. We were about to do a spar tournament, when Naruto-kun said something that Made all of us confused. "Someones watching us," my blond boyfriend said. " I know. I sensed something too I just thought it was an animal or something like that,"gaara added. "COME OUT WE KNOW YOUR HERE!!" Naruto-kun yelled. Three kids walk out. The royal Uchiha, the little fangirl, and the emotionless pale boy. "Why are you guys spying on us?" I say with a slight smirk on my face. "SHUT UP AND DONT TALK ABOUT MY SASUKE-KUN LIKE THAT!! HES BETTER THAN YOU AND YOU KNOW IT!! YOU WILL NEVER COMPARE TO HI-" "SHUT UP YOU LITTLE BANSHEE!!!" I scream at her. "IF YOU THINK HES SO GOOD THEN HOW ABOUT HE FIGHTS MY AMAZINGLY STRONG BOYFREIND NARUTO-KUN!! AND WHILE WE'RE TALKING, HOW ABOUT ME AND YOU GO AT IT, HUH?! OR ARE YOU TOO SCARED?!?" I yell at her. She cracks. She runs at me, rather slow. "CHAAAAAAAAA" I duck the blow and she completely destroys Kankuro who was standing behind me. I take out my fan and blow it at her. She goes flying through the air and into a tree. Just like that shes knocked out cold. I look back to my blond boyfriend and hes completely destroyed the leaf genin. Hes on the ground, his arm broken. The pale boy is just staring at Naruto-kun with a emotionless look as always. Hes supposed to be facing Gaara in the next round tomorrow. The finals is me and shino aburame, Naruto-kun and Neji Hyuga and Kankuro and some random Tika nin with green hair. I think her name is Fuu. I dont know. I also mentioned Gaara and The pale boy. I walk up to Naruto-kun and kiss him on the cheek. " You and that little slu- AAAAAAH!!"Naruto-kun stabbed him in the shoulder with his chakra sword. "What? What are you gonna do? Insult us? Because that's all you can do. So think about who your insulting next time before you actually do it. He turns to me and he kisses me on the lips. It was a quick but passionate kiss. We leave to go get dinner. Naruto-kun suggests ramen, but we all say no. "Maybe tomorrow Naruto-kun," I say, hoping to cheer him up. It must of worked because he smiles and puts his arm around my waste, pulling me closer. I put my head on his shoulder, and he puts his head on mine. We go to a different cafe then last time. Naruto-kun gets shrimp and steak, and I get chicken and steak. I dont usually get shrimp. Naruto-kun fed me a piece of shrimp and I LOVED IT!!! IT WAS SOOOOO GOOD!!! Gaara just gets tea. He doesnt eat much. Kankuro gets just shrimp and rice in place of his second meat. We leave the cafe to go to the apartments. When we get there we go to Naruto-kun's apartment. We go in and sit on the bed. I put my head on Naruto-kun's shoulder and he puts his head on my head. We watch a movie and midway during the movie it gets darker and everything goes black.


"Look down, kit." "What? Oh shes asleep." I say in my mind to Kura. "Boys, shes asleep. I'm sorry but can you guys go, I dont wanna wake her. Shes cranky when she gets woke up by someone besides herself." I say in a whispery tone. "See you tomorrow then." Gaara adds. They both leave and I tuck her into bed, kiss her on the forehead, and fall asleep with my arm around her.

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