The Prelims

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Hey everyone, this is part 2 of the chunin exams. I hope you guys enjoy, and I love yall


I leave from my training session to see  Temari-chan looking at some flowers in the Yamanaka flower shop. She looks amazing. I probably should go take a shower. "Yeah, you stink kit." "Kura, you need to treat your "Kits" better." "*sighs* Ok, fine kit." After our talking session, I take a shower, and leave to go meet with the two boys and Temari-chan for the next exam. We meet up at Ichiraku's to eat breakfast, and then we head to where the next exam will be held. Anko Matarashi tells is everything we need to know, and then we go into the forest of death (That's what it's called,Right? Correct me if I'm wrong) to get the heaven scroll, since we have the earth scroll. We come across an Iwa genin team fighting a sound genin team. The sound team was obviously winning. Temari doesn't fight because we know she hates blood, and there was gonna be blood. A bit too much for the average genin. Us 3 boys aren't the average genin. Neither is Temari-chan but she hates blood and gets nacheous if she sees blood, unless its hers.

We drop down between the two teams. "Kankuro, make sure the Iwa team doesn't have the Heaven scroll. Me and Gaara will take out the Sound team. They have the Heaven scroll." "Right," was Kankuro's response. Me and Gaara turned to the sound nin, who were laughing maniacally. Me and Gaara took out his sand, and I took out my sword. I Put a lot of Chakra into my sword. "Let's do this Kura." "Right, Kit." I turned into Bijju mode and Rushed into the first one. I sliced him in half, blood spattering everywhere. I look over at gaara and I hear, "Sand coffin." And then 2 seconds later, "AAAAAAGGHHHH!!!" and blood splattered everywhere. The last sound nin, a girl, gave us the scroll and ran. I look behind us and Kankuro has scared away the other team. They must have had an earth scroll. Me and Gaara get the blood off of us, and We go to Temari-chan. Oi, Temari-chan," I say to her. She turns around to see me, Gaara and Kankuro standing in front of her.


I see the three boys standing in front of me, blood-free, no cuts, and no bruises. Thank God. "We got the Heaven scroll Temari-chan," Naruto-kun says. "Good, now let's go," I say. We head towards the tower in the middle of the forest. We get to the door and we open the two scrolls, and to our surprise, there was Baki-sensei. He tells us that we've passed and that we were the first to pass. We leave to go to our apartments. We get to the apartments and we chill for about an hour at Naruto-kun's apartment. The two boys leave to go shopping for some new clothes for gaara. That poor kid has no fashion sense. Once they leave, me and Naruto-kun talk for a while, talking about Kurama and how annoying he can be sometimes. He even started arguing with him while we were talking. Its so adorable. It's like they're father and son. Me and Naruto stay in the apartment until we go to meet up with the two boys for dinner.


"Alright Gaara and Kankuro should be waiting for us. We must have lost track of time, hehehe," I said nervously, scratching the back of my head. She just giggles and we leave. We see Gaara and Kankuro in the distance, waving at us. "OIIIIIIIIIII NARUTO!!!! TEMARI!!!!!! HURRY UP IM STARVING!!!!!" Kankuro tells. I swear, hes an idiot, but hes strong nonetheless.

We eat at the closest diner we could find. I get chicken and Rice, Temari-chan gets the same thing, Gaara gets Just rice, and Kankuro gets some sort of meat overload. Once we're finished we go to the apartments to get some shut eye. I didnt even realize until we were half way to the apartments when I saw gaara's new outfit. He has a red and black Jacket, red on one half and black on the orher, and boots. The jacket is so big you can't even see his pants. "I like your jacket Gaara, looks sick," I say. "Thanks, NARUTO," he replies. "Temari-chan I think he wants you to compliment him. Temari-chan. TEMARI-CHAN!!" "WHAT?!?! CAN A WOMEN THINK FOR HALF A SECOND!?!?"


I think I yelled loud enough for them to get the Idea. "Gaara I like your Jacket by the way," I say. I wonder what Naruto-kun was saying to me. Nevermind that. We walk up to the apartments and we go our separate ways. Me and Naruto-kun get under the covers and go to sleep in each other's arms. I love him. The next morning, we go to where the next part of the Chunin exams will be held. This should be fun. We get to the place where we are supposed to fight and The proctors tells us what will be happening and then all of us except for Kabuto Yakushi and Shino Aburame. Kabuto, out of nowhere just says,"I quit." This shocks everyone except His two teammates. The next match is Neji Hyuga and Hinata Hyuga. Hinata forfeits to no ones suprise. The next match is Rock Lee and Naruto-kun. Dont kill him, please.


"WHAT A YOUTHFUL WIN I WILL GET!!" The kid with intense Eyebrows says, or rather yells. "Let's pummel him, kit." "Not too much, dont want to kill someone who doesn't kill." "Hm, your no fun kit." "Sorry Kura." We get down and we start the battle. Hes amazing at Taijutsu, but isn't fast enough for me in my Regular state. He then takes off his weights, and gets alot faster. I have trouble keeping up, and that's when he lands a hit on me. I get up, and turn into Bijuu mode. I hit him with every strike, and he falls after a while. He gets up and says, "5TH GATE OF SHOCK, OPEN!!!!" This tenses me up a bit, but now we are about even. He hits me, in the stomach, and I go flying into the wall. I hear something from Temari-chan that makes me want to destroy this Kid. "NARUTO-KUN!!! PLEASE DONT DIE!!!!!" she worries about me. She cares about me. I end up seeing a life sized Kurama, but yellow. "Let's do this" "right." I punch him continuously until his bones are twisted. I hear Gaara yell, "NARUTOOO!! STOP NOW!!!" I stop beating the living susanoo out of the poor kid. "The winner of this match, Naruto Uzumaki!! I go back up to the rafters as I hear gasps and whispers. Temari-chan whispers in my ear, what the FRICK was that?! You almost KILLED him!! Explain why you did that!!" "Later, Temari-chan. Later." "Whatever," she says.


Naruto-kun shouldn't have done that to the poor kid. He doesn't deserve it. We are gonna have a talk tonight. Other matches go on and Gaara has to face the duckbutt Uchiha. He destroys the kid without problems. I face the Nara kid, and he forfeits. Kankuro faces Kiba inuzuka. The dog and owner duo give my brother a Challenge. He ends up winning but not without a lot of chakra being wasted. The prelims are over and all 4 of us are going to the main exam. Now, time for that talk.

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