Here's Your Letter

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Please Take Me Home


Chapter Twenty-Eight


Here's Your Letter

If felt like the world had toppled over, taking Luke with it.

Luke was tired, his eyes hurt and it felt like he hadn't had a good sleep in ages. He felt more horrible than ever and certainly wasn't afraid to advertise his mood.

Anxiously, Luke kept looking at his phone, knowing that he should probably call Michael or something, because no one deserved any sort of treatment like what Luke had dished out the previous night. He knew how badly words could cut and he hadn't refrained in anyway towards Michael, going to town with telling him exactly how he felt.

Regret, regret, regret. That's what Luke was feeling. What if Michael had taken Luke's angry words to heart and actually listened to him? All night Luke had been worrying over the thought of never seeing Michael ever again. And quite frankly, Luke wouldn't be able to handle that.

As much as Michael infuriated him, Luke loved him double. And that was the infuriating part. Luke cared so much and it scared him because he knew Michael didn't nearly feel the same way.

Lots of scenarios had been running through his head. If Luke were to contact Michael and get an answer from him, Luke would most defiantly apologise and then ask Michael if there was anything that he could do to help him and then maybe, if Michael trusted him enough, he might get the full run down of what has been going on in Michael's life for the last year and a bit.

But the agony of that would be that Luke wants no more than to tell Michael how it is and tell him how much he effects him, the good and the bad. There was just so much to say and Luke was no poet. He couldn't woo Michael with words or paint a picture of how much their differences were tearing him apart.

'We don't work together', often rung in his head like a mantra but Luke always pushed it aside. He knew he could be stubborn, and rude, and awful. He knew he could completely disregard someone's own feelings and he defiantly knew his emotions could turn a full 180 at any given moment. But even with that, he knew that he wouldn't lose Michael this time.


On the way home, Michael realised that he was the sort of people to ignore the problems in his life and filter them out with the help of something recreational. But while Michael was walking along the pathway, money heavy in his hoodie's pocket, he realised that there was no way he could blow this off.

He should have just told Luke.

From the start, being honest with Luke would have been the way to go because if there was any lesson that would come out from this, it was that Luke really didn't appreciate not knowing the whole truth.

It's so fucking stupid, he thought. Why did this have to happen to him? What did Michael do to deserve all the pain and angst in his life? He was in trouble, if the twisted feeling on guilt in his stomach had anything to say about it, oh boy how he knew.

But really, how would someone like Luke react to the information that one of his oldest friends was the shittiest drug addict in the world who couldn't even pay for his addiction. He was pathetic with every sense of the word. Michael knew that Luke wouldn't take it well, he just knew. It really wasn't something that most people felt positively about and Michael knew that he would always be apart of the minority who felt that drugs, really, weren't all that bad.

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