Roller Coaster

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Please Take Me Home


Chapter Eight


Roller Coaster

*Wow guys, I looked back over my last chapter and realized how many typos I had...sorry*

It was ridiculous. The amount of time of time Michael spent away from home. It was like he didn't have a home anymore. He spent so much time away from it that it basically lost its meaning.

Home, to Michael, was meant to be peaceful and were memories were created. All he had at his mother’s house was a roof over his head, nothing else. It was never a real home to him anyway. Michael never felt safe or loved.


Liz chose not to question her son when he came back into the car with the twenty dollars he went in with and a CD.

Of course the idea of shoplifting drifted through her head but she didn't vocalize it. Knowing the state Luke was in, most likely we would give her the silent treatment for the better part of a day.

When they got home, Luke shut himself up in his room and listened to his music...that's what the next couple of weeks consisted of.


It was quite horrible to think about how friends are just there most of the time. Luke found it whenever he went to school his friends would include him in conversations and give an interest in his life. But when he went home, no one bothered to contact him.

Luke was used to the silence. We wasn't social in anyway and told himself he would never go to teenage parties ever again, when he was fourteen.

He slowly found it that he was the third wheel. Looking back at the start of Year Ten, the boys were close as ever but now he just felt odd.

It was difficult because he was having a good time at school but as soon as he left, he hated his friends.

Luke would never be the one to contact first because he always feared rejection and being ignored. But really that's what he was doing to them.

He looked back to when he got his CD and for the split-second, that exact moment, he felt like he was on the top of the world, he felt happy.


Luke couldn't figure a way to speak to Michael again and was getting a feeling that he was being avoided.

Whenever his friends passes he school yard to get to their sitting spot, he never saw Michael at the back corner. He never saw Michael across the hall. When he did see him though, in English class, (where Michael was in more frequently), he never got the chance to talk because Michael was the first one out of the classroom.

He always tried to get the other boy's attention, (Michael tried to get Luke's as well), but it was like they were looking at each other at the wrong times.


Michael would never admit that he was only going to English to see Luke. The reason he was because he knew he had to get a good grade at the end of the year, (but also because he wanted to stare at the back of a certain someone's head).

He knew he probably should not of pulled the CD stunt. Michael didn't know what he was thinking. It was like it was an instinct.

A small part of Michael wants to take Luke and pull him out to a back of a classroom and kiss him until he has to pull for breath and that scares him a little.

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