I Miss You Too

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Please Take Me Home




Chapter Twenty-One




I Miss You Too

What was it about Michael and that he always popped up in Luke's life in the most unexpected ways?


It had been a typical Friday.

Luke was happy that he'd finished school for the week and didn't have to worry about interacting with anyone until Monday came.

Not having any homework was a plus too because now that Luke was in Year Eleven, all he got was homework so it was always refreshing to have the weekend free to himself.

Luke had been thinking about how when he was a little kid, he always wondered what it was going to be like when he was older but now, looking back at it, Luke wished his life were as simple as it was when he was five.

First off, he was confident as a child. He didn't know what happened to make his confidence waver as it did now, but his mum never failed to remind him that some days he would wake up and start singing.

Luke was always a happy kid. He was the child who if you took his photo, he'd he the one in the front making sure all the attention was on him. He was the child who would put his hand up in class and not be afraid of being wrong because everything in his life was perfect.

Luke realised that everything in his life was perfect; he had had the perfect childhood, bearing the fact he had no father figure. His mum made it all up though and he couldn't fault her parenting at all.

There were other people, and Luke knew, that would have done anything for a childhood like the one he got. His mum and him got by, they didn't live in the biggest house or have all the new flashy appliances and technology, but they made the best of what they had.

Luke felt bad for the other people who had nothing. No father, no mother. He knew what it was like to not have a father but at least his mum made up for it by not neglecting him or focusing only on her own life. Some people lost both of their parents when only one left indefinitely. There were nights when Luke would get angry that he had no father but it were the memories of when he was younger and how his mum would go out of her way to spend time and play with Luke, that made him feel somewhat better.

Of course nothing could fill that empty void but his mum was not only his mother, but was his father and his friend, even if there were days when Luke treated his mum like shit, he always knew that his mum would doing everything for her only son.

Memories like the long summers and all the times he went to the beach, all the times his mum bought him clothes when he was starting high school and when he wanted to make sure he would fit in, the money she gave him when he wanted to buy a CD when he could just as easily download it for free, the endless times when she would go out of her way for Luke, it made him realise how much his mum meant to him, and how he should probably start treating people better.

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