Story Of A Lonely Guy

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Please Take Me Home


Chapter Five


Story Of A Lonely Guy

Fast forward a year and a half and Luke was walking down the street.

Luke was often alone during the evenings. He'd done all the homework that he was set and texted Calum if he wanted to hang; Calum was out with his family so this left Luke to his own company.

Year Seven was shit. There was no other way to put it. Sure Luke had a big group of friends and he was fairly popular along with Calum but his heart didn't feel like it was at home.

This year Luke had gone out with three girls already and he was thirteen. They always asked him out and his mates pressured him into saying yes. But usually, when the girls came to realize how awkward he was, they moved onto one of his other friends.

High school was a nightmare. The older kids picked on the Year Seven’s and there was a huge divide between all the year levels.

It was a giant zoo, packed with animals that were contained in small spaces. Everyone Luke had made friends with this year were either a fake or trying too hard to fit in.

Luke had Calum who had been his friend since year six but they weren't best friends. Sure, the boys got along and laughed and joked but Luke never felt like they could talk heart to heart, which was something Luke needed to do every so often.

His mum was out late tonight and promised she'd bring dinner home with her, when she came home.

Luke never blamed his mum for anything. She was one of the most caring human beings he had come to know and she always tried her best, that's all that he could ask for but sometimes she just set his teeth on edge. Luke wished it wasn't that way because he hated hurting his mum. Luke blamed it on puberty.

The sun was beginning to set but Luke didn't decide to turn home, his mum wouldn't be there until about nine so he had a couple of hours to waste before having to turn back and set the table.

Luke sat down on the swing he had sat down at all those years ago. Back then it was so much easier to breathe. He would give anything to go back and live where he didn't feel like he had to justify his opinion or prove himself to anyone.

Those were the days.

His life felt empty, robbed. It was like his whole existence was missing something.

A certain someone, a voice in his head told him.


His mum dropped off Luke at school, like always. Even though they had a pretty good relationship, Luke was always a bit testy and often snapped at his mum when she did the slightest thing to annoy him.

His mum started to say goodbye to him but he got out of the car before she could finish. Luke really just needed some space but felt a little guilty afterwards.

As he walked to the outside locker bays he saw his group of friends. Friends would be really pushing it and happily enough, they took no notice of him. Good, Luke thought he just wanted to ditch hem already.

He scanned the cliques of people and off to the left where he was looking were a group of older high schoolers and a smaller boy that he recognized.

After putting his bag away, he made his way over there.

The older kids that were surrounding the familiar boy were a bit ratty. Their school uniforms were crumpled and dirty. Luke felt a little uneasy. There were the sorts of people your parents told you to stay away from, but who was Luke to judge?

"Yo Michael, he one of your little friends?"

Michael looked over to Luke, startled and shocked. His emotions mirrored Luke's, as Luke was looking at the cigarette the he had stuck in between his teeth. 

"Ah, yes, long time no see, this will only me a minute..." Michael said while still holding the cigarette in his mouth. As he spoken it danced around between his lips.

Michael beckoned Luke over with a raised eyebrow and led him behind the building that they were at. Any minute now the bell for school starting would ring.

"Well if you're just going to just stand there, I'd better go..." Michael was looking past Luke and over to the direction were his friends were.

Luke couldn't find words. Michael, his best friend, his best friend...smokes? Since when did that happen? Nothing added up.

"Oh well then." Luke watched Michael take another drag. Michael went to leave but Luke just caught a hold of him and forced him to stop. They were facing each other now and were extremely close. Michael had grown taller since their last interaction and they were the same height.

"You dyed your hair." Luke blurted out stupidly. Seeing Michael like this made him think stupidly, why was that? Wasn't Michael normally the shy one?

Michael unconsciously brought his hand up to his hair, "Yes I have, Captain Obvious.", and took another drag, blowing it into Luke's face.

Michael's words brought memories back to Luke. All the time they spent together as kids, was this what it turned into?

Luke quickly wanted to recover but continued to embarrass himself. "I-I mean it looks nice and all..."

Michael just smirked a little.

Luke took a deep breath and tried again. He spoke almost timidly.

"You're 13 Mikey, you really shouldn't be smoking..."

"Smoking hot...oh no, you mean this?" Michael paused to wave the burning stick in Luke's face. "You're 13 Lukey, you really shouldn't be playing the mother hen anymore."

Luke's mouth dropped, he had never, in his lifetime, heard Michael speak like this.

"Don't look at me like that Lucas, you haven't talked to me in two years, what do you expect? Did you want me waiting around like a lost puppy? Oh no, I don't need you Luke, I don't need you anymore."

And with that Michael stomped his finished cigarette and pushed past Luke. The school bell went too and Michael left leaving Luke flabbergasted and flushed red, behind the classroom building. 

*These are getting a little short and everything's moving really fast

I think I might do a flash back or something, I'm not sure...

Muke will start to happen, I just wanted to establish their childhood a little bit...

I hope you guys don't hate how it’s getting a little more full on.

Anyway thanks... *

- asphyxiationxo

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