Time To Break Up

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Please Take Me Home


Chapter Fifteen


Time To Break Up

It was only five days until the end of Year Ten. Everyone was just about finished their exams and then they could finish and enjoy the school summer holidays. The exams were like any exam, assessing the student on how much they had learned during the year.

Michael thought that he had done all right. He knew he defiantly was not the best in his year but he wasn't the worst.

He knew that the school had found Jesse's stash and was later informed that Jesse was meant to sell that soon, close to the end of the week. Jesse was in some deep trouble.

"What do you mean you had to sell it! You lit one up!" Michael was at the park with his older cousin who was in Year Eleven and wasn't going to continue with his last year.

"You think I meant to loose the stash!? You think I meant the whole school to make a big deal about it!? And who cares of I lit one, I had enough to get the money!"

Michael couldn't believe it. He has heard what happens to dealers who don't pay the supplier and no result was a pretty one.

"Dude, you need to find the money, they'll go after you... they might even go after me!"

"Chill!" Jesse exclaimed. "As long as we sick together, this will just pass over like it was nothing."

"There is no we in here."

"You owe me, we're partners, man." Jesse exclaimed, getting all up and personal.

"I don't owe you anything." Michael said slowly and before he knew it, Jesse landed a punch right across his face.

"Don't be a fucking bitch!"


Luke and his mum sat down at the kitchen bench. It was again, around nine and Liz had chosen to ignore Luke's little outburst that happened the other night.

They were eating dinner, if you could call it that. Liz had just picked up some simple take-away, knowing it was the best she could do for the night.

"Do you have any idea of what you want to study next year?"

Luke dropped his fork and finished chewing his chicken before answering.

"Not really, I just want to do all the basics then when I finish school entirely, I could move on from there."

Liz put down her fork too. "So you don't want to do any subjects like music or art?"

"Mum," Luke started laughing, "You know I can't draw or have any musical talent."

It was Liz's turn to laugh, "Honey, you sing all the time and I'm sorry to burst you bubble but you actually have a talent there."

Luke colored, he didn't believe it and being honest with himself, he always felt a little bit embarrassed when his mum complimented him.

"Whatever Mum..."

"Deny it all you want, you now its true. Anyway I'm going to head off to bed." Liz made her way towards the food pantry but realized they had both run out of cereal for tomorrow.

"On a second note, do you want to come to the supermarket with me? I might as well do the weekly shop now." Liz asked Luke, who was picking at his dinner.

"Yeah sure, why not?"

And with that, Luke and his mum made their way into Liz's car, doing their shopping at nine at night.

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