The Rock Show

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Please Take Me Home


Chapter Six


The Rock Show

*Drug usage is present in this chapter
(towards the end...I'll mark it in bold)

If you're sensitive to that sort of stuff...if it makes you uncomfortable then this chapter may want to be skipped...I really have no idea how the drugs work and how they effect the body...*

These days it was common knowledge to stay away from Michael Clifford. Michael was known for his connections with the older students at Luke's high school and always got in trouble.

Luke would go on and say Michael was now a 'bad-boy' but that wasn't true. Michael wasn't a 'bad' anything. He was just Michael, all grown up.

Some days Luke would look over and see Michael in the corner, no doubt smoking cigarettes and many other things, but behind all of that sometimes he saw his Mikey. Sure Michael looked different, with his badly cropped hair and a constant smirk on his face, but sometimes, maybe even for a millisecond, Luke was the lost boy.

It was true that Michael grew up pretty fast compared to Luke. He didn't know about the darkness in Michael's life...I guess that happens when you have a father that abandons you.

Michael wasn't shy anymore. He wasn't loud and talkative in class but you heard about him, more than hearing him speak.

No one knew that Michael's childhood best friend was Luke Hemmings. Luke, he thought, couldn't bear to have that knowledge out there.

Luke in fact, was tied up and stuck. He didn't want to be popular, what good does it even cause. Luke wanted to be invisible and just have his mate Calum and a friend. And that's what became of him.


Come Year Ten and the boys were sixteen.

Luke was invisible and had escaped his early high school friends along with Calum, who they both had befriended a new boy, Ashton.

They were all as bad as each other, those boys. They were strikingly similar and were what one might say, three peas in a pod.

Luke thought, it was like they were all made for each other. None of them were their best friends, but Luke would say, if asked the question, he had two best friends.

The boys were like that, so easy going and so relatable, just not the type of person to pour your heart to.

Come Year Ten and Michael was as lenient as ever. He had created a reputation for himself and even the teachers knew not to question him too much. It wasn't that he didn't do his work, in fact he was the smartest as it got, but some would question what he did in his free time.

Michael didn't care. His hair was black. He had a tongue piercing and he had just gotten his eyebrow pierced. Luckily his fridge covered covered his eyebrow and really? Who was going to see his tongue only enough to see the piercing?

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