When I reached the doors I heaved them open, the sunlight hitting me instantly. The warmth and the smell of flowers was inviting. I already knew my way around the gardens like the back of my hand, but I found the bench I like to sit on and pulled a book from my bag, brushing my fingers along the brail on each page.

After fifteen minutes of reading I felt my stomach begin to grumble and thought about heading back down to the cafeteria, then being able to spend time with Todoroki. I blushed a little as I thought of him, wondering whether I could ask him out or not. What if he didn't think I was pretty though? After all, I myself had no idea what I looked like so I could be hideous for all I knew.

I sighed, shaking my head of bad thoughts and just wanting to sit beside him again, so I stood and stretched, then reaching for my bag. Suddenly a loud siren made me jump and I heard loud shouts and screams coming from below. I had no idea what was going on, I couldn't hear anyones voices clearly enough from below to work out what was happening. Instead, with my senses on high alert, I slowly entered the school again and made my way down the steps.

Carefully I walked down the corridor, the siren suddenly stopping. I furrowed my eyebrows, wondering what the hell was going on when suddenly I heard voices, voices that sounded as though they hadn't spotted me. I knew they were coming from in front of me however, so I stepped to the side and into the door frame of a locked classroom, hoping it gave me at least some cover. "What the hell are we supposed to be doing up here?" A gruff voice I didn't recognise said.

"Shigaraki said it was best to check patrol the entire building, remember? Just in case," a second, slightly higher-pitched but still male voice said. 'Shigaraki... the League of Villains leader?'

"Hey! Who's there?!" The gruff voice said and I knew immediately I had been spotted. I came out from the door frame, assessing my surroundings quickly as they stepped around the corridor, my sensitive feet able to feel the vibrations in the ground therefore visualising where others around me were. I could feel that there were many people running around the school, but I knew at the moment that I had to deal with these two up here.

Annoyingly however I had very little in my arsenal. I had picked a flower from the garden but it wasn't big enough to do too much with my quirk. That was one of the drawbacks to my quirk, it could only be in its element in very specific locations. I gritted my teeth, knowing this factor. "One little girl on her own? This is gonna be too easy," the man with the gruff voice said.

"C'mon kid, you might as well give in now," the other teased. In my pocket however I was manipulating the flower I had picked to make three small throwing stars. It wasn't much, but I was hoping it'd give me enough time to run away and either find back up or an area with more foliage.

Surprising the two of them and with incredible accuracy thanks to the fact neither of them had moved, I threw the three stars towards them, and by the shouts of pain it sounded as thought each star had hit them. I ran past the two as they swore, and I could tell they were about to run up to me when suddenly I ran straight into something, causing me to fall to the floor. I realised that in front of me was a third villain, and I knew immediately that I was at an unbelievably big disadvantage. 'What the hell do I do now?' I asked myself, still not know what any of their quirks were. Suddenly I felt a hand wrap around my throat, a hand that didn't feel like it was attached to a body.

It was holding onto my throat tightly, blocking off the air supply but it suddenly let me go, causing me to fall to the floor and cough. "What a pathetic thing," the third voice said.

"I'm not pathetic!" I shouted, standing up, fists clenched.

"Wait a minute, I know you! You're that blind girl, aren't you?" The third voice said with a scoff.

MHA Shoto Todoroki x Reader Oneshots Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now