Chapter 2

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Dean's POV

Ughhhh. I internally groaned as I left Bobby's house. So not only did Lucifer get a vessel he searched for what a human who is probably a psychic that even angels fear. What the fuck is my life if this is a normal and type of usual conversation I have a lot. This being... human... is so powerful that Lucifer wants him. Wait- if this thing wanted to and has crossovered into hell it means that they wanted to talk to the devil. Basically even if we were able to talk what are the chances that they would say yes. To travel to hell purposely... they probably made a deal... the question is why they would do that. Not only are demons going to be looking for them to bring 'em to Lucifer but angels are gonna try to kill them. Yeah I need pie and a lot of junk food. I opened Baby's door and entered her and drove to the gas station. I sighed as I grabbed some chips and chocolate. Well it's human and the same age as me... they shouldn't be too hard to find. They will come here... and are probably Japanese... yeah no not gonna be hard at all. It's not like what I said wasn't racist at all I mean they could french for all we know it was just born in Japan. I wonder if dad knew anything about this but there's nothing in the journal about a human with such abilities. Then again it could be hidden in the text like how it was with Missouri. Maybe they are a hunter... when did I become an optimist like Sam? I'll have to check when I get back to Bobby's. I walked over to the register to pay.

"Hey, have any pie?" I ask the cashier. He chuckles nervously at me and shakes his head no. "Whatever," I muttered under my breath as I paid for the other food I grabbed. I walked out of the gas station, super annoyed and pissed off. "Not fucking fair I wanted some damn pie..." I muttered under my breath. My eyes shifted towards this kid, he had hair like grass and freckles in the shape of a diamond. He kinda reminds me of... no it can't be he lives in Japan. The main question is why he lookin' at my Baby. I watched as he turned his head towards me and his eyes widened in shock at seeing some random guy staring at him.

"What are you looking at?" I questioned him, coming off harsher than I meant to.

It seems he didn't know what to say. Probably because of my good looks. "Um..."


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