Jiu stared at Yoohyeon's hand.She softly held on the younger's hand as she suddenly placed her lip on Yoohyeon's hand ,kissing on the back of her hand.

"Minji...."Yoohyeon look at her own hand.She could feel that she became more stronger than before after Jiu kissed her hand.

"I gave you some of my magic.You can go and rescue her."\

Yoohyeon nodded and smile faintly at the queen. "I will be back, Minji."She began to run,going to the direction where she felt that evil presence.

The dark haired girl left the queen alone.The queen was only watching Yoohyeon's back.She wanted to help her, but she doesn't want to see Siyeon even though she wanted to.

The queen decided to have a faith in Yoohyeon to save Siyeon from that evil vampire.

"Are you sure you going to just let that human to fight against that vampire."A sudden voice spoke to her.

Jiu took out a small mirror from her pocket,eyeing at it.

"Yes,I'm sure."

"I feel bad for that human.I mean she was going to be up against a strongest vampire queen.A queen of Dragula.She will be killed by that vampire if you let her go."

Jiu became quiet suddenly.Letting Yoohyeon to go is not her intention.She admired at how Yoohyeon is desperate to protect her sister,this is why she let go of her and fight against the evil vampire.

Back to presence

"Yoo....hyeon....."Siyeon was barely conscious after being hit by the vampire a few time.Her lip got cut as a bit of her blood has stained around her lip.

"Siyeon unnie,I'm sorry for being late."Seeing Siyeon being badly injured is making her heart broke.She doesn't want to see anyone,her unnies or any of her friends to get hurt because of some demons or even a vampire like her.

Yoohyeon gripped on her sword and draw out her sword from her sheathe.

Sakura licked her lip.She could smell a tasty blood coming from the dark haired girl.

"I guess today dinner will be the best since I going to eat you both."

Sakura suddenly vanished and appeared just in front of Yoohyeon.Her face was just an inches from Yoohyeon and her hand was coming toward her chin.

Yoohyeon backed away quickly as possible before her hand touched her.She stepped onto something as she fell backward and landed on the ground.

Sakura smirked and vanished once again

Now that Sakura disappear without a trace,Yoohyeon couldn't detect the vampire.She held on her sword firmly,waiting for her to jump out and attack her.

Before she could try to find her,she noticed a blackness started forming around her surrounding.The trees,the ground,the sky,everything was black.

Yoohyeon didn't know what happened to her but she see nothing but a total of blackness.
Then there was a glowing light coming from her behind,coming to her like a flashing light.Yoohyeon managed to evade the light but there was another light coming from her left side.Yoohyeon did the same thing as just now,but that light managed to hit from the side of her waist.Yoohyeon let out her painful groaned.

The laughter of that vampire could be heard from all of her surrounding.Yoohyeon clenched her hand on her bleeding waist,blood slowly streaming down from it.

"Ahaha...such a pitiful human.Do you think you can escape from the dark?"Yoohyeon couldn't see anyone in the dark.All she could hear was Sakura's voice,who she can tell that the vampire was smirking.

Yoohyeon clenched her jaw. "F*ck you..."She cursed at the vampire which make Sakura even mad than before and a few light coming from her left side,right side,back and her front.Yoohyeon quickly moved her body swiftly to evade all of the attacks from the vampire,but suddenly she accidentally slipped as all of light managed to hit her,causing Yoohyeon to let out her pain.

The Demon Queen And The Knight(JiYoo)Where stories live. Discover now