Chapter 10

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"What?You have found that bitch?"The man who is in fifty asked the demon who was kneeling down toward the man.

"What are we going to do,boss?"Asked the demon.The demon clicked his tongue and went toward the window to watch the scenery outside of the castle.It was dark and the lightning struck from the sky.

"We need to find her quick.Now that one of the sisters is with the queen,she is the only one left."
"But how?The queen has home-prison you."The demon was right.He couldn't go out since Jiu has home-prison him.But that won't stop him from getting that girl.He smirked. "I got an idea."


Dami and Miyeon were walking out to the city.Miyeon was really scared with the crowd.She couldn't walk properly whenever the crowd went passed her.Miyeon then felt a hand touch her hand.She look down to her hand and noticed Dami was holding her hand softly but not too tight.

The girls were walking to the mall,interlocking their hands.Miyeon could feel Dami's hand was warm and she couldn't let go of her.

Unfortunately,when they reached at the store,Dami let go of Miyeon which make Miyeon ended up pouting.She was so sad that Dami didn't hold her hand for so long.Miyeon then realised that they are at the clothing store.

"A clothing store?"Miyeon asked confusingly.Dami nodded with a smile.She dragged Miyeon to the store.Since Miyeon doesn't have any clothes to wear,Dami decided to buy some clothes for her.She can't always let Miyeon to wear her clothes.

Dami grabbed some dresses and get Miyeon to change her clothes in the fitting room.Miyeon started changing while Dami was waiting for her,crossing her arm.

When the fitting rook that Miyeon was in open,Dami stand straight and her mouth agape when she saw Miyeon was wearing a dress.She shook her head and asked Miyeon to get change into a different clothing.

A few minutes later,the door has open,revealing Miyeon wearing another clothes.Dami smiled and asked Miyeon to change again.

So Miyeon did,she changed into another clothes,but this time she was wearing a off-shoulder dress with a black thick belt.Dami didn't know Miyeon was looking like an angel wearing that dress.Dami didn't say anything which Miyeon was getting worried.

"Should I change again?"
Dami shook her head. "No it's okay.You look good in any dresses."Dami said which make Miyeon blushing.

With all the dress that she chose for Miyeon,Dami decided to buy for her.She went to the counter to purchase all of the dress.

After she done purchasing it,Dami was feeling hungry,so she and Miyeon started going to the restaurant.She ordered a jokbal while Miyeon ordered a ramyeon.

As their foods being served,the two started digging the foods.Miyeon was eating like a hungry lion while Dami was eating normally. Dami didn't know Miyeon was this hungry.But something about Miyeon was off.

Miyeon's aura was giving some different vibe to Dami.But no matter how many time she look at Miyeon,she look like a normal human being.

After they finish eating the foods,the two started leaving the restaurant.Their hands were intertwined. Miyeon smile Dami warmly and Dami smiled back.

And that when Miyeon started sensing a familiar aura.She knew where that aura came from.

"Yoobin...."Miyeon said her name suddenly.Dami look at her and she felt her hand started burning because of Miyeon's body temperature.She quickly let go of Miyeon's hand and swing her hand  to clear the burn.

Miyeon's nail started to grow long and sharp and her eyes was turning red. "Are you....a demon?"Dami asked.Luckily she have a sword,so she quickly pulled out her sword from her sheathe,pointing at the demon girl.

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