Chapter 11

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Yoohyeon was trying to wake the younger up but it no use.Dami was already unconscious. 

Shuhua quickly went to Dami,kneeling down to a short hair girl.Using a palm on Dami's chest,she was chanting some language which Yoohyeon might not understand.A shiny of light started coming out from her palm to Dami's chest. 

Yoohyeon did not know what Shuhua was doing.While she was watching Shuhua,she noticed some part of Dami's wound has completely close up.Her bruises was totally gone,as if nothing has happened to her. 

"Shuhua,are you healing her?"Asked Yoohyeon as she was amazed that all of the wounds that Dami was received is totally gone. 

Shuhua shook her head. "Of course not,my magic is not healing but it called as 'Time replay.'I can't heal but I can replay time as it used to be,before she got injured by the demon."Shuhua stated. 

As soon Dami's wound has totally disappear,no bruises or any wound on her body,Dami raising her eyebrow as she just woke up from unconscious. 

The first thing she saw was Yoohyeon staring at her through her orbs.Dami scanned her body to find out that her wound has completely heal. She doesn't know what make her wounds heal so fast.

"Yoohyeon?I..."Dami held her head when an image of Miyeon appeared in her head.She was taken by a demon.Dami doesn't want to waste her time sitting here.She want to save Miyeon but Yoohyeon stopped her. 

"What happened to you,Dami?Why are you suddenly get beaten up?"Yoohyeon asked as she held Dami's shoulder,waiting for her answer. 

"A demon...she took her away."Dami replied as she look at her own hand and clenched into a ball fist. 

"Who did the demon took?"This time, Shuhua asked as she came toward Dami,also waiting for the answer. 

"Miyeon."Upon hearing her sister's name,Shuhua quickly run. "Shuhua!"Yoohyeon was about to chase Shuhua but Dami pulled her before she could get the younger. 

"I know you won't believe me but Miyeon...she is not a human,she is-"
"She is a demon."Yoohyeon cutted her. 

"H-how did you know?"Dami stuttered. "It a long story but I will tell you after I save Miyeon."Yoohyeon said but Dami still holding on Yoohyeon's sleeves. "Please bring me with you.I want to save her too."Dami said as she quickly stood up to her feet. 

Yoohyeon doesn't like to refuse her younger sister.Yoohyeon nodded and both of them started running to chase Shuhua. 

Shuhua has a strong sense of magic.She could sense her sister's magic but she can only sense just a short distance,so this mean that Miyeon might not be far. 

Shuhua suddenly stopped as she realised she was outside of the abandoned building.Miyeon probably is inside.That's what she thought.She hope that nothing bad happened to her sister. 

She started making her way into the building.She clenched her fist as she felt nervous. 

As Shuhua stepped inside,the building was old.It was in a mess,a dust is everywhere and even there was some spider web that stick on the corner of the wall. 

Even though she is a demon,she felt disgusted by the sight of this old building. 

There was so many different room in the building.Miyeon might be held in one of those room.She went into one of the room but no sign of her.She went another one but still no sign of her.Shuhua decided not to give up.She search for Miyeon once again,went into another room but no sign of her again. 

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