Chapter 8

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Dami POV 

"Sua unnie,I will be going out to train!"I yelled at her loudly that she could hear me from my bedroom. 

As I was waiting for her to reply to me,I grabbed my Kendo stick and placed it around my back and my sword with the sheathe which I just sharpen it yesterday and placed it around my waist. 

I bring my kendo stick to train my swinging and my sword to kill the demon in case they attack me while I was training in the forest. 

I was about to went out from the house as I heard Sua called me.I turned around to see Sua unnie just came out from the kitchen. 

She handed me a lunch box. "Be careful while you are training there." 

"Unnie,why are you always worrying about  me?I am fine.No demons can beat me easily."I told her, assuring that I'm okay.I don't know why Sua unnie always worried about me. 

"If you say so,don't come back late."
"Okay,second mom."I suddenly blurted out.The reason why I called her that is that Sua unnie was originally the 2nd oldest in our group while....Jiu unnie was the first. 

I know that Sua unnie still sad because of the disappearance of Jiu unnie.... 

"Sorry unnie."
"Don't be sorry,Dami."She carressed my cheek.I don't know why Sua was still smiling as I mentioned that. 

"Now go,you don't want to be late for training,don't you."
"Yeah...."I quickly going out from the house and started running to the same forest that I always training at there. 

As I reached there,I placed my sword on the ground with my lunch box.I grabbed my wooden sword which is a kendo stick and held on it. 

I started my training as I swung my kendo stick.I swing it left and right,up and down, repeating without resting. 

It my habit to train like that.I need to practice swinging the sword,so that I will become stronger and protect my family.We may not be blood-related but they are still my family.My 2nd family,Sua unnie,Handong unnie,Siyeon unnie,Yoohyeon,Gahyeon and also Jiu unnie. 

Flashback 20 years ago 

I was training in the forest alone.I was trying to swing my kendo.Whenever I swing it,it just flew out from my hand. 

I decided to gave up and sat on the ground,leaning on the tree.I raised my knee so that my face can lean onto it and wrapped around my knee. 

The thought about people was talking about me was rushing through my mind. 

"That girl want to be a kendo master?"
"She couldn't do anything. She couldn't even hold the kendo properly."
"I know right?What can she do anyway?"
"She probably can do  iseat and sleep."

I couldn't stop thinking about thag.I let my sighed out and my tears started forming on my eyes and almost fall when a certain person called my name.


I know that voice.I used my thumb to wipe my tears and turned to my right and saw Jiu unnie was walking toward me.

"Are you still training?"

I nodded my head. "Yes..."

"Sua already cook for dinner.Let's go and eat."She look happy when talking about food.That is Jiu after all.I smiled to her faintly and refused her politely. "Sorry unnie...I need to train."

She sat right beside me,sitting in the same position as me.

"I won't eat if Dami don't want to."

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