Chapter 16

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A/N:This chapter is going to be a bit long.


Siyeon immediately ran away from the mysterious girl and the beast.It was seem that the vampire wouldn't let go of Siyeon easily. 

Siyeon ran but being pushed down by shadow of the vampire.Siyeon coughed blood as she struggling getting up from the vampire's grip. 

The vampire was smirking at her as she approached the helpless-injured girl. 

"Now will you give up and be my meal,human?" 

Siyeon wiped her blood from her lip with her arm.There no way she will give up.She need to fight and escape from that vampire. 

"No way....I won't give up now,you....f*cking vam-"Without hesitating,the vampire pushed Siyeon once again with her shadow of magic. 

Siyeon crashed back,landing on the tree as her head fell to the ground, burying her face with the soil. 

Siyeon was trying to lifted her whole body but her poor body couldn't lift up. 

The vampire clapped her both hands as her smirk has widened.She can feel something watery in her mouth.She was indeed hungry.The blood was streaming from Siyeon's head perfectly. 

She want to eat her,she want to devour her badly and savouring the taste of Siyeon's fresh flesh.She couldn't wait anymore. 

The vampire quickly jumped toward Siyeon but as she almost get her,she can sense a magic blasting on her.The vampire quickly shield the magic with her arms crossed as a X.

"Just as I going to eat her,you had interrupted my peaceful moment."The vampire wiped her drool off from her lip.She was basically hungry right now but she hate when someone interrupting her dinner.

The dark haired girl however was amazed seeing how she let go of the magic aura out from her own hand.She could feel she can finally control her magic.

A few hours ago

Yoohyeon just realised that today is the day where Siyeon went for a hike here.Just  like what Jiu said,a vampire is here.Probaby wanting to hunt some humans in this forest,and this mean that Siyeon might be in danger.

Yoohyeon wanted to run to save Siyeon but Jiu quickly gripped on Yoohyeon's wrist,not wanting the younger to go. It is too dangerous for her

"Where are you going,Yoohyeon?"

"Siyeon.She is here in the forest.I need to save her quick."

"Sorry but I can't let go of you.It is too dangerous.She will kill you."

"But she will kill Siyeon."

"Just let her be."Jiu said coldly which make Yoohyeon mad.Did Jiu forget about her her sisters?Even though Siyeon was just her adoptive sister,she has not right to treat Siyeon like any stranger.

"Did you forget about her?She is your sister."

As Yoohyeon said that,Jiu glanced her hand that was gripping onto her wrist.She let go of her wrist slowly,finally got defeated by Yoohyeon.

"You are right.She is my sister but I am a bad sister,am I?I abandoned you all long ago."Jiu said,regretting what she did in the past.

" are not a bad sister.I don't know about your past,why you abandoned us a long time ago but you are amazing.You are the best older sister we ever had."Yoohyeon smiled faintly at the blonde.

"Yoohyeon,thank you for always being my best younger sister,even though you are not my biological sister."Jiu smiled back at her.

Though Jiu was smiling at her, Yoohyeon's heart ache suddenly.She didn't know what make her feeling broken.Is it because Jiu was referring to her as only sister,not more than that?

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