Chapter 27 part 1

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Kim Yoohyeon POV

Where am I...exactly?Why am I here? Am I really dead? Am I really in the underworld, heaven or hell? 

I do not know where am I and how I got here but my whole body couldn't move. I was laying on the black floor and I cannot even lifted my fingers and legs, it was as if I was paralysed. 

The blackness surrounding me is kind of similar to Sakura's magic that I fought her before but it was slightly different since I couldn't move. 

"Yo, I finally get to meet you."I heard a male voice. Since I couldn't move, I look up and saw a young man was standing in front of me. He was smiling at me cheerful with his weird gesture pose. 

Who is he anyway? Smiling like that doesn't work on me since I'm not interested in men.

"Who are you?"I asked him. 

"Hi, I am Kim Hyojong but called me Dawn. Can you sit up? Why are you laying like that?" 

"How can I sit up if I can't move??Look,my whole body couldn't even move."I yelled at him.

Seriously, how can he ask me if I can sit up when I actually couldn't move. My whole body couldn't move. 

"Sorry sorry. I forgot to undo my gravity magic."He said and I look at him with surprise. Gravity magic? What kind of magic is that? It is a magic that can manipulate gravity? 

He suddenly clapped his hand altogether. "Gravity magic, release!"Suddenly, my body became lighter and my body can move again. 

Whoa, who was that guy? I never see that kind of magic before. Is he also a demon? 

"To answer your question, yes I am a demon." Wait, did he read my mind? How did he know that I was about to ask him that? "Unfortunately, I cannot read other people's mind."He replied. 

"Then why did you answered all the questions in my mind??"I asked. That jerk is somehow look different than I actually thought. I mean he is a demon but he's kind of good-looking, not that I actually like him. I mean other demons that I encountered look like a monster. Well, actually only a few look like a human.

"Thank you for compliment me. I am handsome,right?" 

"Since when I was complimenting you!? Beside, how can you answered my question in my mind when you told me that you can't read people's mind."I asked him again. 

"That's because I am you and you are me."He is what? What with this guy?He's not joking,right? I am just Yoohyeon, I am not him... 

I look at his face and his face suddenly looks serious. "Do I look like I'm joking? I am not. I forgot to tell you something when I first introduced myself. I am the First Demon King, King Dawn. You are my reincarnation. This is why I was able to communicate with you even though I already died thousand years ago."He crossed his arm 

He is the first Demon king? And I am his reincarnation? No way...that's impossible. How is that possible? I am just a human that was born in a commoner family. How can I be the reincarnation of the First Demon King? 

3rd person POV

Yoohyeon suddenly pointed her index finger at the first king. "Im-impossible! THERE IS NO WAY I AM-" 

"Silent!"Dawn clapped his hand once again as the gravity suddenly pushed Yoohyeon down, causing the younger to crashed on the ground with her head hit it hard. She tried get up but her body couldn't move again. She is basically stuck in that position whereas her body only lay on the black floor. "Ouch...that's really hurt."She groaned. 

"Sorry for being rough to you,Yoohyeon. But unfortunately, I got no time to hear your complaint. Right now you are in danger and I want to talk to you fast."Dawn said as he walked toward fallen Yoohyeon. 

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