Chapter 31 (final)

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Yoohyeon's POV

"Till the end she said. What a joke. No one can escape from their destiny. They will just die. They will no matter whether they like it or not. It was already chosen by destiny itself."

As I heard his voice, my mind going blank. No way, it can't be...he...he's still inside of me? I thought he was already goner.

And just like that, the whole dining area turning pitch black and Minji in front of me vanished like a magical dust dispersing in the air.
"Minji? Minji! Where are you!??" I tried to call her but there was no response. Everything around me make me dizzy until my gaze landed at the familiar man just a few feet away from me.

What, why and how is he standing right in front of me right now? Didn't he just disappear for good?

The more I keep my gaze at the man, the more I just realized he wasn't Hyojong.

He was somehow different... I couldn't tell. He had a few black-purple tattoo all over his face and a demonic symbol-looking tattoo on his right arm. The dark aura coming from him is different compared to when I first met him.

He's Hyojong but at the same time, he wasn't.

I quickly draw out my sword. "Who are you? You are not Hyojong and what have you done to him?"

"Oh me? I am indeed Hyojong. What are you talking about? I am the first Demon King, the guy that you just met not too long ago." No, he doesn't sounds like him. His voice currently was deepened and hoarse. I even hardly recognized him right now. Just who the hell was this guy? And why he took a form as Hyojong?

And suddenly, his figure started to transform into a feminine shape. He suddenly had a long hair passed his shoulder length and his height became slightly shorter than Hyojong with similar height as me...and ?

He's transformed into myself.

"Huh? How did you do that?"

"Just as you guess, I am not Hyojong. Well, I am just his source of power or in other words, A demon king power. You may call me Insignia." Well, I hate to admit it but she does look like a mirror of myself and her voice sounds just like me but more mischievous.

"You are the source of Hyojong's power?" I asked and she nod her head unamusingly. "Well yes and no. Hyojong wasn't the only one who owned me, the second Demon king, and so on, they all possesses my power. My power is mandatory in order to rule the kingdom. Well, I'm simply live in a future king or queen body. I don't have any shape or form of myself. That's why I only took a form of my host."

"Wait, hold on. If you live in future demon king or queen body, then why are you in my body? I am just a normal human being who was cursed to be Hyojong's reincarnation."

Insignia looks at me and sighed. If she is the source of the demon king power, why is she in my body and consciousness right now? Shouldn't she be in Minji right now?


I gasped when I finally realized something. That Minji idiot...why...

"Just as you may guess, Queen Jiu her majesty have given all her power to you including myself. She wants you to become the future queen of the Demon Kingdom. That was what she wanted before she have to go. After all, she already accepted her destiny to die by your side.

I fell on my knees and started punching on the ground. "Minji idiot! Why did she have to do that? Why? I can't be the new Demon Queen. I am not cut out of it. Tsk, damn it!" I punched once more and my knuckles was bleeding.

"Well, truth to be told, I was against letting a mere born human to rule the Demon Kingdom such as yourself. You weren't born with demon flesh and blood. You were just an ordinary human that was cursed by Hyojong for his revenge. But-"

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