tears of the balmera

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a time later, shiro woke up, and sendak was yelling about terminating pidge, making the noxian glare harsher than she already was. this asshole was willing to kill a child, which made him even more of a monster than he already was.

frowning, rhys watches the drones leave on sendak's orders. they had intercepted the transmission between allura and pidge. unfortunately, it was up to the small but mighty paladin, and though she was worried for the little one, she didn't doubt pidge's skills.

if anyone could save them, it was definitely going to be her.

so, all they had to do, was wait.


taking a glance at the beaten up shiro, rhys slightly edges towards him, concern in her eyes.

"hey... are you alright? you got pretty beaten up," she says, keeping her voice low so as to not alert the galran general strutting around smugly before them.

"yeah, i'm-"

"granted, what you did was completely stupid and you should've let me fight him, considering i have centuries of experience on you, and rushing into that fight was a dumbass move on its own. did you learn that shit in the gladiator ring, champion? because if so, we really need to work on your fighting technique, because you could've gotten killed if sendak didn't want you alive at the moment."

shiro's eyes had widened exponentially throughout her calling him an idiot, this probably being the most he's heard her speak. but at the sound of a familiar voice coming through the transmission with the energy room or whatever.

"haxus?" sendak calls, confusion in his call when his second doesn't immediately answer.

"haxus is gone, and you're next!" their eyes widen at hearing pidge, worry creeping on shiro's face while rhys masks hers with an indifferent look.

"you've slowed me down, but this ship is mine! you will turn yourself over to me immediately!" the galra demands, shouting at the teenager over the line. "never!"

the furry bastard smirks viciously. "well, then, maybe your leader can convince you." he grabs shiro, dragging the man over to the comm channel despite rhys trying to knock his legs out from under him. instead, she moves to hover by lance, ready in case sendak tries to pull anything over on her by using the unconscious boy.

"what do you want?.

"your friend wanted to hear from you."


"pidge? pidge, don't listen to-" sendak charged up his arm before bringing it down on the black paladin, shiro shouting in pain. rhys hops up from the ground, running up behind the galra and kicking him in the middle of the back, making him stagger towards the crystal. he angrily turns towards her, but throws shiro at her as he says to pidge, "you can make it stop. turn yourself in. his suffering is in your hands."

he ends the transmission, smirking horridly at the two conscious prisoners.

"you will fail. i wonder how it will feel to you, commander, when lord zarkon kills these weaklings in front of you. or will it not affect you at all? the cold, heartless, commander of noxenna, always ready to lay down her life for her people, but never one to show actual emotions."

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