best laid plans pt.1

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they soon retrieved the teludav from the olkari, lifting off after allura gave a speech to the people, and the alteans and few blade of marmora operatives were back in the castle of lions.

"princess, we are go for launch," shiro states, his face showing up on the screen after the lions were ready.

"charging main turbine."

rhys leans against the wall close to antok and kolivan, her wings hidden and arms folded across her chest. the castle lifting off only made her falter slightly in her position since she only had one leg on the ground, but it wasn't noticeable and she fixed her posture quickly.

once they had gotten far enough away from olkarion, the paladins rejoined the rest of them on the main deck, and shiro decided to go through the plan for the last time.

"alright, guys, listen up. i'll use the black lion to lure zarkon's fleet to our current location and make sure he's within the teludav's area of effect. keeping the teludav hidden behind the space-fold until the last possible second is essential. we can count on you, right, slav?" he turns to the scientist/inventor, already beginning to look absolutely done before slav can even speak.

"absolutely. i'll be fine. i'm not sure about the gravity generator, though."

"what? what was that last thing?" hunk questions, beginning to worry at his words.

"hiding a ship is one thing, but i've never had to build a gravity generator for something this large before. i know it'll work, but i'm not really sure for how long," he expresses, making the black paladin look back to the hologram of zarkon's ship with an even more serious expression.

"well, that's a risk we'll have to take. once zarkon's ship is in position, kolivan and antok will coordinate with thace. together, they'll take down zarkon's security system and upload the virus."

rhys chuckles lightly as pidge adopts a smug look, the green paladin saying, "and then, he'll be a sitting du-flax."

at the confused looks given to her by the rest of the group, bar the blades and rhys, pidge raises her hands as she explains, "what? a du-flax is an altean creature with a beak and webbed feet."

the commander pats her on the shoulder assuringly, smiling lightly at her.

"it was a good effort, pidge."

"thanks, rhys."

"we'll wormhole zarkon 500 million light years away, and he'll be in the yggiz galaxy before he knows what's hit him!" coran exclaims, grabbing and throwing the hologram at the wall as a representation, effectively making three out of the five paladins and the noxian commander wince at the loud crashing noise that follows his actions.

"what about thace?"

"he should be getting into position now. we received his last communication three quintants ago. we should hear from him soon," kolivan replies, making eye contact with rhys after speaking. she nods at the look he gave her, knowing what he meant.

"let's do it."

as the paladins prepared to get ready, rhys managed to get keith's attention, and she pulled the boy to the side. he looked a little nervous, having noticed kolivan watch them, but he tried to focus on the noxian.

"what's wrong?"

"just... be careful out there, keith. under normal circumstances, i'd be trying to convince you to stay as far away from the fight as possible, but considering you're a paladin, that won't work out at all. be careful, stay safe, and call for me if you need me, alright? please don't do anything too reckless, or something that will get you killed," she worriedly murmurs, low enough for only the boy to hear.

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