heart to heart

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once keith was finished changing out of his paladin armor, he left for the kitchen. he was nervous as fuck, that was for sure, but he couldn't avoid this anymore. rhys deserved an answer after she'd spilled her guts to him, and he wanted to make complete sense of this whole situation.

his steps were both unhurried and fast paced, alternating as he came closer and closer to the kitchen. it was as if his feet knew that despite wanting to talk to the intimidating woman, he was also reluctant to have this conversation. he didn't know what to expect, he didn't know what to say, and he was nervous about what to do when they would be alone and talking about all that she'd told him. it was absolutely nerve wracking, and his hands started fidgeting slightly as he realized he was stood in front of the kitchen door.

taking a deep breath, the red paladin walks through once the door opened, and his eyes immediately land on rhys, who was sitting on one of the stools and staring at her hands.

upon hearing his light footsteps, her head snaps up and her eyes widen in surprise upon seeing him.

"what?" he asks tensely, nerves eating at him and his feeling defensive all of us a sudden.

"i just... i didn't think you'd actually come," she says loud enough for him to hear, and keith scoffs lightly. "i'm the one that asked you to talk, of course i'd come."

a small smile forms on her lips at his words, ones that he hadn't meant to say completely. the first part of his sentence he had, but not the last four words. cheeks flushing, keith takes a seat across from her and tries to keep his eyes locked with hers.

'keep eye contact so you don't look like a wimp,' he thinks to himself, but upon seeing rhys smile at him once again, his face burns and he looks away.

"so... what do you want to talk about?" she asks him, pretty much getting straight to the point. the boy startles slightly, but he takes a deep breath and tries to get his thoughts in order so as to not sound like an idiot.

"we're.... mates? right?" he questions slowly, as if saying it out loud to rhys makes it all the more real. rhys nods in affirmation, waiting for the boy to continue with whatever he wanted to say.

"and... it's common for people on your planet?"

"yes. not everyone finds their mate, but it does happen enough to be common. it's also common to be mated with someone of another race. some of my people who work with the blade have found their mates to be galran," she explains easily, and keith nods along as he takes in her words.

"how are soulmates... like, decided? i mean, what decides what people are bonded by their souls, or whatever?"

rhys stares off in space momentarily, but then sighs. "no one really understands how mates are chosen. my culture believes it was the mother, the creator of our world, who created mates and promised them to each other. other cultures have different beliefs when it comes to soulmates and that kind of thing."

the boy listens with wide eyes, confusion sparkling in the purple depths, before he pulls back and frowns in contemplation.

"are there any special kind of.. ceremonies or whatever, ya know, to confirm the bond or something? or just anything special that your culture does to celebrate mates accepting each other?"

the breath in her throat hitches slightly, catching his attention and bringing his attention to her large, almost hopeful eyes.

keith manages to stammer out, "uh, i just... wanna know before i mess anything up..."

she reaches her hand across the table, eyes soft and kind as they gaze upon him. his face flushes a bit brighter at the fond look in her smokey, silver eyes.

τHΣ ϢΔRRIΟR ϢIτH ϢIͶGςOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora