crystal venom

722 24 33

rhys was awake before the rest of the castle residents, once again. she was in the armory, cleaning her weapons and sharpening her blades. once finishing with those, she turned to the rest of the unused armory and let out a sigh. after ten thousand years, it was obvious that what was left from the deceased altean warriors were dusted and rusty.

so, she got to work.

she didn't know how much time went by as she repaired the armor and weapons, even going as far as cleaning the armory itself. all she cared about was doing her self appointed task.

"rhys, would you please come down to the detainment room?"

the commander lets out a sigh but puts down her cleaning tools. she put her own weapons back in their hidden places, nodding when she looked around the room before leaving. although she didn't finish with everything, she was proud that she had gotten most of it all done.

reaching the detainment room, the commander looks around to see all the others waiting, aside from allura. the orange haired altean had been adamant about her resting after the ceremony she performed.

"ok, guys, sendak's all hooked up. but, look, i have to warn you, this technology was used to keep altean memories alive, not to interrogate prisoners," coran told them, and rhys raised an eyebrow. they were interrogating sendak while he was asleep? they really were desperate, it seemed.

"coran, we understand this isn't what the technology was meant for, but if we can extract sendak's memories, we may gain valuable intelligence on zarkon's troop locations."

"yeah, and then we can just be like, 'knock knock. 'who's there?' 'the avenging fury of voltron, son!'" rhys lets a small smile form on her lips at the loud but amusing boy, and she shakes her head at him fondly. noticing the amused glint in her eyes, lance grins proudly and bows comically for her. rhys rolls her eyes at him but pats his shoulder before turning back to the conversation at hand.

"as the memories are extracted, they're written bit by bit on individual molecules of the micro-storage strands," the altean explains.

"when i go, i want all the stuff in my brain stored in a giant ship," lance comments once again, only to be snarked at by keith.

"the amount of information in your brain could be stored in a paper airplane."

"oh, yeah? well, the amount of information you have, keith, could be..."


"uh... it's less than what i have!"

"oh, good one, lance!" hunk praises, only to be given a faux sympathetic look by rhys. "there's no need to lie to the poor boy, hunk."

lance sputters in offense while hunk smiles at her. but the noxian had picked up on the small snort that came from the red paladin, and raised a subtle eyebrow at him. the boy looks away from her when they catch eyes, a light pink blooming in his cheeks for a few seconds before disappearing,

rhys turns back to the stasis pod sendak was in, crossing her arms with a frown. sendak had been after her for a long time, making it his sole mission to capture her and turn her in to zarkon. but she was much more skilled and had many more years on him, so he'd never one. the only time she'd gotten captured was when, for some reason, she was sold out on that moon a couple systems away from arus.

shaking her head, rhys waits around with the rest of the group for something to happen with zarkon. keith was the first to leave, stretching as he says, "well, i can't wait around anymore. i'm going to hit the training deck."

rhys watches him leave out of the corner of her eyes, then lets out a sigh of her own.

"i'll be head back to the armory. call for me if i'm needed."

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