•Chapter Four• 'Just a friend'...

Start from the beginning

I almost didn't recognise myself as I stared in the mirror, a navy blue silk gown glued to my body, fitting my curves perfectly. My makeup was natural, bronze eyeshadow with a nude glossy lip. My long chocolate brown hair was in loose curls, half pinned up and half still flowing down my back.

 My long chocolate brown hair was in loose curls, half pinned up and half still flowing down my back

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(A/N - Please love yourself for you. The images I use are based on how I picture Kimberly's outfit alone, not what I view as the 'perfect' body type. YOU are beautiful just the way you are and I hope you tell yourself that every single day)

It was definitely strange, getting all dolled up by professionals. Carina on the other hand, seemed used to it. She chatted for the whole hour, about how she's currently studying in a private law school and also all about her daily life, she's a typical nineteen year old who loves partying and spending time with friends and shopping, lots of shopping.

From what she had told me, let's me know this family definitely lives in luxury, it makes me wonder what Luca does for a living...

The door flew open making Carina stop her sentence, my eyes left her and landed on him.

A light grey suit was on his body, fitting him perfectly while also making sure to frame his toned arms. A black tie was hanging around his neck loosely, not yet tied. A few button on his white shirt where popped open, his hair messy, even though he was only half ready...he still looked breathtaking, sexy even.

I didn't miss his wondering gaze, scanning my body...undressing me with his intimidating eyes. I swallowed down the nervous lump in my throat as his gaze met my own, a small crooked smirk evident on his face.

"Non hai mai sentito parlare di bussare?" Carina took me by surprise, speaking an Italian sentence with a sassy tone. [Have you not heard of knocking?]

"Potrei fare lo stesso per te, irrompendo nel mio ufficio questa mattina" Luca's eyes where now on his sisters, Carina just rolled her eyes before letting the makeup artist finish applying her lipstick. [I could say the same for you, barging into my office this morning]

Even though I had absolutely no clue what either of them said, I was more concerned about how my stomach swarmed with a strange feeling when Luca spoke in Italian.

"You ready?" He turned his attention back to me, I shyly nodded snapping myself out of whatever trance I was just in. I grabbed the purse the stylist had picked out for me, chucking my phone and credit card inside.

As I went to walk off, I was pulled back gently by Carina. She whispered in my ear, only for me to hear. "Just to give you some confidence, I've never seen my brother look at a woman the way he looked at you just now..."

My eyes widened at her statement, I saw Luca's eyebrows furrow. "See you later" she waved me off, a small chuckle leaving her lips. With a smile and a thank you to the professionals, I made my way towards Luca, he had now tied his tie and was running a hand through his dark hair.

Oh how I wish it was my hands running through those locks of his... wait, what? I shook my head, my heels clicking along the floor as I walked.

His cologne instantly filled my senses as I moved past him, listening as he clicked the door shut.

It was dark out now, the night air a little chilly. I followed behind Luca, my eyes widening at the slick black limousine he lead me towards. A man, wearing a blue suit pulled open the door for us, I thanked him before sliding into the back seat with Luca.

"What was it that my sister said to you?" Luca broke the silence in the back of the limousine, we had been driving for only a few minutes.

"That is absolutely none of your business" I sent him a cheeky smile, watching as his eyes rolled.

"You know, you're really testing my patience..."

I just smirked at his statement, before turning my head to look out of the tinted window. "I've never been to a gala before, hmm no surprise really though is it, I'm guessing it's just for well known people" I chuckled, turning back to him.

My stomach dropped when I faced him, to see his eyes still on me, "What even is it that you do?" I finish of my sentence.

"That is absolutely...none of your business" I raised my eyebrows when he mocked my sentence from a few moments ago, watching as his eyes searched my full face, landing on my glossy full lips.

"Boss, we're here"

I snatched my head to the now open door, to see the driver holding it open for me. As I went to step out, Luca gently gripped my arm. "Wait, I will come around and get you..."

As I waited for Luca to walk around to my side, I thought about how the driver had just called him boss?

What is he, a business owner or something?

My thoughts where cut short when I saw the bottom half of Luca's body, then his large hand stretching out towards me. My small one fit in his hand like it was made to be there, sparks emerged through my body. I hardly know the man but the tingles I get from a simple touch is insane.

Taking a breath, I hopped out of the limousine. I was surprised when Luca's hand stayed in mine as we walked towards the entrance, the building was huge from the outside but not as big as Luca's house.

Doors where pulled open for us by two women dressed in black, I couldn't ignore the stares and nods being sent Luca's way, almost like they where frightened but also like they where being respectful all at the same time.

Was it a bad idea to come to a gala with a complete stranger?


But I guess there's no turning back now...



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