Trial by combat pt2

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A dark, shadowy aura engulfed Urasu, until it formed completely. It resembled the armor of a samurai. "AMAZING!!" some of the class exclaimed as they watched the ever increasing build up of mana from the two opponents. But, away from the crowd of students, Eijiro was studying Urasu closely, inspecting him, intrigued by what power he had. "I see you're interested in the boy with the armor cloak activated, sir..." said a male student. This student was tall and had silvery white hair. His piercing red eyes shone behind his glasses. "Yes. And might I ask your name?" Eijiro asked. "The name is Akira, sir. It is a pleasure to meet you." Akira bowed. " You see, I too am interested in this Urasu fellow. I wonder what race he is?" Eijiro was taken aback by this. "Why do you ask?" he inquired. "Well we vampires are intrigued by what we don't know or understand. Almost every being is plagued by this conflict." Akira replied, being somewhat philosophical with his answer. "I see..." said Eijiro as he turned back towards the battle.

"Aaaannd... BEGIN!!" Nanami shouted signalling the beginning of the bout. 

Both opponents rushed each other and clashed weapons, dodging and evading attacks with spectacular skill and agility. Goro managed to get a clean hit which sent Urasu reeling back. "It seems that you are quick, but I managed to make a hit." Goro said feeling triumphant. Urasu was huffing and puffing, trying to regain his breath. Urasu let out a chuckle. "You really think that last attack hit?" Urasu asked. "Blocked it at the *huff* last second..." Urasu got back to his feet. "Shall we continue?" Goro asked as he readied himself to attack. "Sure, but I'll warn you, this fight'll end..." Urasu disappeared. Goro was surprised at the sudden disappearance of his opponent. "Where'd he go?" the crowd was also stunned at Urasu's disappearing act. Urasu then crept out of Goro's shadow. "...right now." Goro spun around to see no one there, then he felt a tap on his shoulder. He looked around again but saw no one. "What's going on?" he asked looking around for his foe. "Dark Magic, Demise of the Damned." Suddenly a giant magic circle appeared underneath Goro. "What the..." he exclaimed as dark shadowy arms grabbed him and held him in place. "I... can't...move...!"  he struggled but couldn't break away. "Exactly..."  Urasu said as he materialized in front of him. "You know, Mr. Noble..." Urasu said mockingly. "... I was holding back this entire time." Urasu sheathed his weapons. "What a bummer..." He walked up to him and punched Goro right in the stomach. "Step one, never go all out unless you have to." Urasu got up and kicked him in the face repeatedly. "Step two, never under-estimate your opponent." he said as he delivered one final kick to Goro's face. Urasu then released the spell and grabbed the now bloodied face of Goro and choke slammed him into the earth repeatedly. Everyone looked on in shock as Goro's battered body was slammed into the earth over and over. "Nanami, call the fight! NOW!!" Eijiro shouted as he jumped over the railing. Urasu then looked at Goro's mangled face, threw him to the ground and drew his nodachi. Urasu brought the blade over his head, going in for the finishing blow when Eijiro grabbed him. "That's enough! This battle's over" he proclaimed. Urasu pushed Eijiro away and brought the sword down onto the defenseless Goro. "Wait!!!" Urasu stopped, the blade several inches from Goro's face. He looked around and saw the girl whom he had rescued from the bully. "It's... you..." he said, releasing the armor cloak. Tears began streaming down her face. "Please don't..." she begged him as she fell to her knees. Urasu sighed and sheathed his blade. Eijiro sighed in relief. Urasu walked over to her but he began to feel weak. The tattoo on his face began to glow and grow along his face. "Dammit..." Urasu said as he passed out, but luckily, Eijiro caught him. "Whew! Got'cha." He looked around to see Nanami running towards him. " I'll get these two to the infirmary, stat." She picked up both of the fallen fighters and then turned to Eijiro. "Tell the others that class is dismissed for the day." She said as she turned and walked towards the girl. She knelt down and wiped her tears away with her free hand. "Come with me, " she said to her reassuringly. Eijiro jumped back up to the balcony everyone was spectating the fight. "Everyone, class is dismissed right now due to the incident. Return to your dorms for the time being." The class was confused. "You didn't give us our dorm arrangements." everyone replied. Eijiro groaned is disappointment. "Right.... "

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