Classroom Encounter

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 The pair followed Eijiro into the classroom and stood in awe as a large lecture hall opened up towards them. In each of the rows were members of any available race in the world: Human, Elves, Vampires, Pseudo-Deities, just to name a few. There was also a gigantically spectacular aquarium for those members of sea faring folk. Eijiro looked back at the pair who were mesmerized at what they saw before them. He taunted, "What's the matter? Never see a lecture hall of this size before?" He walked towards the desk and sat down, resting his feet atop the desk. "Well, take a seat you two! Most of the day has already gone by dealing with random shenanigans..." he said as he lit a flame on his finger and placed a cigarette in his mouth.

 "Alright..." he said, exhaling a large plume of smoke. "Three rules: Listen to everything I have to say, regarding magic and the application of said magical spells. Two: Remember which arcana types have advantages and disadvantages regarding spell type and cost and most importantly..." he paused to exhale yet again, another large plume escaping his mouth. "Three: Never interrupt me when I'm having a smoke break..."  The entire class began to murmur and talk amongst themselves.
A student, then stood up. He was of a tall, slender build and icy blue eyes. His hair was a silvery gray and was long, stretching down the length of his back. He pointed at Urasu and his eyes began to glow red. "You're very interesting, little demon boy..."
The whole room went silent and the air was tense. Urasu was taken aback that someone had figured out what he was so quickly. "How the hell did he figure out!? And so quickly too!" was the thought running through both Urasu  and Eijiro's mind. "Did he take a look at the files inside the desk?! Shit!"
Suddenly a large explosion rocked the seats in the lecture hall, flinging everyone back. Eijiro had managed to conjure a shield, while everyone was recovering from the blast. Urasu wasn't so lucky though as a spire of ice had pierced him through the chest. Blood spewed from his mouth. "Shit! I couldn't dodge in time!"
A wry smile ran across the attacker's face. "Seemed you couldn't dodge in time. Too bad." Suddenly time slowed and ground to a halt. "What the hell?! What's going on?!" Urasu asked, somewhat surprised. "Worry not! This is nothing more than illusionary magic..." Urasu looked back down to see the ice spike gone, along with his wound. "The name's Akira, pleased to make your acquaintance, fellow classmate." he smiled.
Urasu was extremely apprehensive but gave his name. "Urasu Nakamura..." he said, sweat running down his brow. "Right now, everyone is asleep. A spell I call Frozen Slumber. I used it in conjunction with an ice sphere, so no one can bother us. "What do you want?!" Urasu asked angrily. Akira smiled. "I analyzed your entire fight with that nobleman son, and I must say, I'm impressed. Your magic skills are astounding, but there is something about you that worries me..." Urasu was slightly annoyed that someone was watching him fight. "And that is?"
"Your killer instinct."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2022 ⏰

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