The unexpected first semester Part 2

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"What about the others? Please tell me about the others, Tadashi-sama!" Sugihime pleaded, like a child asking his/her mom to read them another bedtime story. He sighed then laughed, patting Sugihime's head. "Okay okay. Now next up..." he replied, looking for the four other files. Suddenly, a knock on the door pulled Tadashi's attention away from his search. He gazed at the door and suddenly, uttered a spell... "Detection Magic..." He whispered. He was able to make out the magical aura emanating from the person, who was patiently waiting at the door.

"Come in." Tadashi did some gesture with his hand and the door opened, revealing the man standing behind  it

"You really need to stop using detection spells on me..." said the man with his hands crossed. Tadashi laughed. "So, excited for the new semester, Eijiro Iokawa?" asked Tadashi, who still had the files in hand.
Eijiro Iokawa: Race: Human, Age: 23, Magical prowess: high, Arcana attribute: Black magic, World Magic Scale Rating:Reaper

"Heh, no not really. Why?" he asked as we walked into the room.

"Iokawa-sama!!" Sugihime exclaimed, screeching with delight. He patted her head with a smile on his face. "Hiya Shoto-chan, how it hanging?" he asked. "Okay I gue-" she was abruptly cut off as Tadashi said, "You'll be in charge of Class A...".

There was a small pause as silence invaded the room. Eijiro suddenly had a shocked look on his face. "Come again, old man?" he replied, sounding more serious. "Look... Eijiro,-" Tadashi was stopped midway when suddenly, he felt uneasy. "Tadashi-sama?" said Sugihime worryingly. "Yukata-sama! You alright?" Suddenly, Tadashi exploded with laughter."HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! You guys fell for it, huh." he smirked. Both Eijiro and Sugihime shaked their heads in utter disappointment. But then he suddenly became serious. "Back to the matter..." he said as he handed Eijiro the five folders he was previously overlooking with Sugihime. "You'll be dealing with these five students,"

Eijiro sighed as he reluctantly took the folders. "Along with those on your desk?" asked Eijiro with an unenthusiastic look on his face. Tadashi handed him more folders. "Just these other ten along with the five you already have." Tadashi winked. Eijiro sighed louder. "Ugh, you're gonna put a LOT of stress on me." he groaned, as he walked out of the office. He suddenly poked his head through the door. "Don't forget the welcoming assembly for the students." he reminded Tadashi.

Tadashi began to smile. "Time to meet the new students..." he said grabbing Sugihime's hand. He muttered a spell... "Teleport." and then the pair suddenly disappeared...

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