The War

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"Long ago..." Eijiro began to speak as he puffed on his cigarette. "... this world was in the grasp of war. A war that lasted for millennia. A war between the Hellscape and Mankind. Humanity and elf, beast man and giant fought against orc, demons and Devilborn in hellish combat. A stalemate was reached, but the brutal war raged. Until the Archons saw enough and sought to broker a treaty." He exhaled yet again, releasing another plume of smoke into the air.
"And what does this have to do with my use of magic?" Urasu asked. "Every... God damned... Thing!" Eijiro started to get extremely serious as his mana began to flare. "There's no denying it..." he paused as he used the last of the cigarette and crushed it out on the table next to him.

He continued...
"I fought a demon with the same skillset and magic abilities as you. So this can't be coincidence!" he exclaimed, glaring intently at the duo. Urasu started to crack, unable to hold his nerve. Hinako started walking away, but before she could step away, her brother grabbed her shoulder. "You're right..." he sighed, turning back to Eijiro who was standing next to the vacant hospital bed. "We are demons. But don't think we aren't-"

Eijiro burst out in a large cackle. "Thank goodness. The files on you never mentioned your race, so I came down to ask. Never thought I had to be so menacing to get the info outta ya! Heh heh..." Urasu was displeased. Eijiro grinned from ear to ear. "So about the other guy..." Eijiro abruptly got serious again. "His body has to undergo serious body regeneration, so he won't be in class for about 8 months..." 

 Urasu was shocked. "I'm not really sure what happened... I don't remember..." Eijiro then debriefed Urasu and his sister on what happened. 

"Serves him right!" she scoffed. "Did he really think that he could go up against a demon and win with that inferior magic he possesses? He-"

"Anyway," Urasu said, cutting his sister off. "I'll be taking my leave now-"

"One more thing," Eijiro threw Urasu's swords to him. "Don't forget these. And me as well." he added as he arose from his chair and walked out the door, while the others followed. "One more thing, " he said as he looked over his shoulder. "The big guy sure has his eyes set on you and some others in the class. I wonder what he sees in you guys..." 

Urasu shrugged as they continued walking towards the classroom. "I'm not sure-"

"Aaaaand we're here." Eijiro said as  they reached their destination. "Welcome to class Alpha."

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