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Urasu began walking down the stairs towards the locker area, where passed three male students who were harassing a young girl. "An elfling?" Urasu said puzzled, but he then decided that he wasn't going to interfere. He began to make his way to where his locker was but, two guys blocked his path. "Hey! You got no business here. LEAVE!" said the largest boy, but Urasu paid no mind. Then the other boy  grabbed Urasu's collar and pulled him  his direction. The elf girl then stepped in front of Urasu blocking the bullies' path. "You're qualms reside with me, not with this gentleman. Leave him-" Before she could finish, the largest guy grabbed her throat and squeezed. "You'd better keep that pretty mouth of yours shut, or else, you die!" Urasu moved in the largest guy's direction but , the other two grabbed him and began to restrain him. Urasu struggled to break free from their grip, as the big guy continued to strangle the defenseless elfling. Urasu thought to himself, "Damn, if I don't stop that guy, he's going to kill that poor girl.". He sighed, "Seems I got no choice..." he said, with a smile appearing on his face. "He what you smiling ab-" With one quick movement he broke free from their grasp and gave them a round house kick to face. The two fell to the ground, stunned. The biggest of the three turned around to see his lackeys on the ground, writhing in pain. "What the-" Urasu appeared behind him with the girl in his arms. He set her down gently and then turned to the big guy who was already mid punch. He deflected and dodged every punch with ease. He then mocked him saying, "You're supposed to be a beserker, but you move too slow, and you're punches don't carry mana behind them. Makes me feel sorry for a weakling like you." Urasu then released his arcana, a dark blue aura enveloped him. "This his how you throw a punch..." he said as he swiftly dealt a mana filled punch, to the guy of the beserker , which sent him flying into the wall.
Urasu began huffing as he tried to catch his breath. Then suddenly, he screamed out, his arcana surging then turning black. The tattoo under his left eye began growing. The elf girl stood in amazement as she gazed upon the transformation. He walked up to her, the white's of  his eyes blackened. She thought of running away, but Urasu had her cornered. But instead of harming her, he smelled her, apparently smelling her arcana. It was calm yet presenting a large set of earthly power. He backed away and stumbled a few steps towards the stairs, before fainting, falling out his transformation. She rushed to his side, blood running from his left eye. She tried to comfort him as best she could using healing magic. She recited the following spell: "Heal the wounds of battle and the scars of war, grant me thy healing magic... Healing spell,  Angel's Healing Comfort."

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