Enter... Introduction

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In the auditorium...
The crowd of new students began to become restless, most of them breaking into conversations amongst themselves. "When is this guy going to show up?" one group said. "He's wasting our time..." said another. As another group was about to start arguing, Tadashi and Sugihime appearred before them on the stage.

Everyone's attention turned towards the pair on the stage. Tadashi walked up to the microphone and cleared his throat. "Welcome new students, to the lovely institution known as Calvary Academia! I am your principal, Mr. Yukata, or Mr. Yukata-sama, to you students." he said through the mic. The crowd began to clap. "Beside me is my lovely secretary, Ms. Shoto..." he said once more as a spotlight shone on Sugihime. The male students roared with sheer excitement. "Calm down, calm down!" ordered Tadashi, but the crowd remained restless. Tadashi then suddenly revealed the true power of his magical aura. Everyone in the auditorium broke into a cold sweat. The noise level died down. "Good..."

"As I was saying..." Tadashi continued, " you have all come here to hone and sharpen you magical skills at this precious academy, as it is home to all magical and supernatural creatures. "Now for student placements..."

This is how student placements will happen: The class name would be called, along the homeroom teacher and lastly, the students. As he began to call the student placements for each class, the student's who were called began to make their way to the respected teachers. "Well, that's kinda it. The only thing I can tell you now is, to enjoy your three years here at the academy.Ciao." he said, suddenly teleporting out of the auditorium. 
Everyone clapped in amazement at the disappearing act the principal had just performed and followed their teachers to their respectful home rooms. Class Alpha was in the west wing of the main building. Class Beta was in the centre of the main building, while Class Omega resided in the east wing. Eijiro had shown his group to their seats and the locker area. "You guys have free period at the moment, then you'll have gym, got it. Everyone nodded except for the dark haired kid. He was staring at everyone, examining them. "What're you looking at?!" said the silver haired kid, with a disgusted look wrung across his face. "I have a name, retard! It's Urasu. Got that?!" He then turned his gaze to the teacher."Hey you! Why am I in a class full of weaklings?"
Urasu then walked out the class, hands in pockets and stormed down the hallway. "Hey! Where are you going?! Get back here!" Eijiro said demandingly, but the boy had vanished.

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