The last part sounded true. Kit was so easy to overlook. There was something about thim that just didn't stand out unless you were physically forced to look in his direction. Still, he didn't strike me as the type to randomly join a Religion Club.

He changed the topic before I could ask any more questions. "You're going to New Suprija's party?"

There was something to the way he said it that made me look him over. But in typical Kit fashion, he was devoid of any expression. "Yeah. I told him I would months ago."

New Suprija and I weren't really friends. I'd always considered we simply shared a mutual respect for one another, we were both part of the handful of people in the school that everybody knew. It was easy for a jock like me to be popular. Win a few games and you're on the map for the rest of high school hell. But New Suprika had a band and because he was the highlight of all the high school drama that ever happened around here, he was instantly immortalized.

His band was shit, don't get me wrong. He could barely play the guitar, and because they couldn't find a singer, he was stuck doing both on his own. Still, he'd walk into class shouting about something all the time and fuck if the rumors ever stopped pouring out who he last dated or what he was last seen doing. 

For a long time it was rumored his band would play at the prom, but no one could find any actual source for that information. I ended up asking him about it once in our Social class because I was tired of hearing the gossip about it. New had just looked complacently puzzled, mentioning he'd never heard anything about it.

"Can I come?"

"What the fuck for?" We reached my car and I watched as he rounded to the passenger's side and then hesitated. "What's the matter?" I asked, completely disregarding our previous conversation. Usually he was buckled in before I was.

"I forgot. I have a dinner at my house tonight. I promised my Mom I was going to be there." He bit his lip, looking from the car and then distantly in the direction of his house, clearly contemplating what he was going to do.

"If you don't want to hang out that's cool," I began but he frowned at me...

"Of course I want to," he said, still biting his lip.

"Whatever. I'll give you a ride." I said, opening my door and getting in. Kit buckled and I started the car, finding myself slightly disappointed that he had other plans. Shouldn't it be me that did the ditching? "What's the occasion?" I wasn't that interested, but small talk couldn't hurt anybody.

"It's my birthday," he said monotonously.

I frowned. "You're older than me?"

Kit looked thoughtful as I backed out of the parking lot. "I guess so. When's your birthday?"

"August. Anyway why didn't you say anything earlier?"

"I forgot. Not like it matters anyway. I get some cake and some presents and it's over." He was shrugging off the whole thing like he really couldn't care less. It seemed the promise to his mom was the only thing he cared about.

"What the hello is the matter with you? Birthdays are awesome. It's the one day you can boss people around and ask for anything."

I instantly regretted saying it. I knew Kit enough by now to know when things I said affected him. Besides, he was always begging me to do one thing or another on a regular day, let alone his birthday.

"Well, do you want to have dinner at my house?"

I groaned, gripping the steering wheel as I drove a now familiar route to his house. "No," I answered honestly. I should've kept my mouth shut. I should've harassed him about Religion Club, or about why he wanted to come to New's party.

"Please? My parents are really nice. Then we can go up in my room for a bit." he added earnestly.

I gave him a wary look and he was getting more excited by the minute, practically buzzing in his seat as he pleaded silently with me.

I don't know why I said it.


To be continued...

Published: 10/18/2020

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1. Naughty Girls' Nasty Times Collection 18+ [BoyxGirl]

1. Missed [KongpobArthit] - ONGOING
2. Obsessed: Power Trip[MingKit] - ONGOING
3. Facades [MingKit] - COMPLETED
4. I Kissed A Boy [AePete] - ONGOING
5. The New Kid [PhaYo] - ONGOING
6. My Boy Toy [TinCan] - ONGOING
7. The Boy Next Door [KimmonCopter] - ONGOING
8. Sharing Forth [ForthBeam] - ON HOLD
9. BL One-shots and short stories [ForthBeam | MingKit | PhaYo | AePete | KornKnock | KongpobArthit | TinCan] - ONGOING

 BL One-shots and short stories [ForthBeam | MingKit | PhaYo | AePete | KornKnock | KongpobArthit | TinCan] - ONGOING

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