06 - The date

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a/n: Double update yay!


I pulled up in front of Stephanie's house right on time, but I didn't get out of my car. Instead, I pulled out my cell phone and typed a quick message.

In front of your house. How long?

To which she replied, Be right out.

While I waited, I went over the game plan. Seducing her would be easy. Girls liked to be special, and bullshitting my way into her pants wasn't going to be hard. She was impressionable, easy and most of all, infatuated with me. The hard part would be convincing her to let me go all the way. Playing that fucking awful virgin game of panicking halfway through, crying and begging me to stop after only getting a few inches of dick inside.

When she opened the passenger door to my car and slid in, I was pleased. She was looking great. Hair pinned up, a skirt and a blouse, fresh makeup. "Hey." I greeted with a genuine smile. She blushed instantly.

"Hi." she replied.


We decided on a well-known Italian restaurant for the date. It was cheap, had good food, but was intimate enough to be appropriate. Nothing was said as we waited to be seated, and when we were finally in the booth, I was disappointed to find I had nothing to really talk to her about.

Of course, I had only just met her. I knew nothing about her except that her name was Stephanie and she was rather shy. She ordered a glass of rootbeer, and I ordered a Pepsi and then I made pointed eye contact with her for several minutes.

"So you like soccer?" I asked her with a coy smile. She probably didn't. In fact, I was willing to be a lot of money that she had never watched a game in her life.

"Oh yes." she answered eagerly, wrapping her hands around her glass. They were shaking a little bit.

I wanted to press her. To embarrass her. To catch her in her lies. But that wasn't the sort of thing you could do when you wanted to get with a chick. Instead I smiled politely, practice in this sort of thing. "That's great," I complimented. "Not a lot of girls like sports, especially the beautiful ones."

She grinned and I wasn't surprised, I was trying to make her feel special.

"What else do you like?" I asked without caring.

Stephanie paused for a moment, probably thinking what was acceptable to say. I knew she was hiding her true self. We were both to blame for whatever would happen. She was trying to be what I wanted her to be, and I was trying to be what she wanted me to be, all for the slight chance of getting lucky. "I like music." she said after awhile.

Who didn't like music? Fucking boring... but I smiled and nodded encouragingly. "Any favorite bands?" I pressed. I could see her tense, her mind working overtime to find an acceptable offering of music.

"Oh lots." she offered with a glance upwards. A safe answer.

Another silence overcame us and she sat back in her seat, stumped as to what else to say just like me. Usually I was better than this... I could be so charming when I wanted. I could tell jokes and make her laugh and talk to her about my dog because girls fucking ate that shit up. But... the mood wasn't right.

When the waitress came around to take our orders, I was thankful for the break in the awkward conversation.

So there I was, Kimmon Varodom, out with an unknown freshman girl, feigning interest in hopes of getting some action. Midterms, the last soccer game, Kit, all of those worries and concerns pushed to the back of my mind for at least one carefree night. I'd have to start doing better, or else there would be no action tonight.

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