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a/n: Here's a follow up chapter 😊


Ming's POV

It had been a full week since Kit had texted me, or for that matter, had made any social contact with me. If you counted the bleak stare he gave me in the halls on Tuesday, then it was a few days. Other than that, he was eerily quiet. 

Maybe I had been a little too harsh. I was always telling him to fuck off and to leave me alone, why now was he seemingly taking it to heart?

"What's the matter baby brother? Girl troubles? I'm all ears you know." We were both in the kitchen and Malee was leaning into the fridge, stuffing her face as usual.

I was about to tell Malee to leave me alone too, but I stopped myself. There was a pattern here, and I had to stop it. "Okay, so let's say there is a girl," I began. Malee turned around dramatically to gape at me.

"Are you serious?" she asked, wiping a milk moustache off of her face. "You want to talk girls with me!" She did a sort of victory dance on the spot and my brows furrowed.

"Not if you're going to do a little retarded dance about it." I said. She sat down obediently, disregarding any hint of her retardation and I briefly wondered what I was even thinking trying to open up to her about anything, especially girls.

"Okay, so what is her name?"

I stared at her. "Why is that important?"

"Ming!" she cried dramatically. "We are having a conversation here! I don't want to be calling her the girlfriend!"

"Fine. Whatever, but first let me say that we're not even dating." I paused to let her process the information but she was absolutely squirming in her seat for information. "Her name is. uh, Kitty."

"Oooh, Kitty!" Malee breathed. "Ming and Kitty," she continued. "Kitty Varodom..."

"Okay stop," I warned.

Malee folded her arms obediently in front of her and made a show of zipping her lips shut and throwing away the key. I glared at her, as if daring her to make a peep. When I was finally sure she was going to be quiet, I continued.

"So, my problem is..."

"Wait! How'd you two meet?"

I wrung my hands together in frustration. What with Malee and Kit combined I was going to go crazy. No doubt an ulcer from stress had already formed in the pit of my stomach. "Are you serious? Why do you need to know?"

"As a girl, I need to get all perspectives of the relationship in order to better understand the situation and help you." she said crisply.

That was total garbage. I didn't trust her at all, and yet I found myself figuring a way to word everything properly. "He liked me for a long time..."

"Kitty, you mean."

My teeth clenched. "Yes. Kitty even went so far as to con a date out of me."

"How romantic."

"Definitely the first and last time I will ever tell you anything," I mumbled. She was silent, finally. "But I never really like her until, you know, we started doing stuff."

"Ew! Gross! I'm not going to listen to your sex life Ming!" Malee exclaimed, her face scrunching up in disgust.

"Oh fucking grow up," I seethed. Calm down, calm down. "Anyway, she hasn't talked to me for a few days. It's not really like her. Usually she's trying everything she can to be around me."

[MingKit/KimCop] Obsessed: Power TripOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant