Cochlea Burns

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I've spent the past few days trying to figure out who this eyepatch is, however, in my search I came across a memory that seems to be of some importance. As such, I called up everyone to Antekiu, where we are all sitting now.

Alex: So, what's the deal here?

Y/n: Well, as you all know I've been searching for this Eyepatch Ghoul. I've started hitting Aogiri Tree members and have figured out he is a lieutenant of some kind. But, what I also figured out is that they're going to raid Cochlea

Camellia: Cochlea? The ghoul internment camp? 

Alex: In my slice of Tokyo.

I nodded and looked to Iris, she said nothing.

Y/n: Now, I know the exact date and time this raid will happen. The Eyepatch will be there. The question is... do we introduce ourselves?

Camellia: It would be a good way of getting biomass

Alex: And we'd be able to slap Aogiri round a bit. Even the playing field for the CCG

Iris: Which will make life easier on us

I nodded. That was my idea, take out this Eyepatch, and gain loads in return.

Alex: I say we do it. It could even draw Blackwatch in. We could take them down a peg or two

Camellia: I like it, it's a good idea

Y/n: So, we're going in?

Alex and Camellia nodded, Iris again remained quiet

Y/n: Well it's tomorrow, at 1pm, best be on time

The rest of the day went smoothly, nothing really happened. Soon enough though, we were standing over the prison, a good distance away. We could see Aogiri ammasing around the place. Only Camellia, Alex and I were present, Iris stayed back at Antekiu

Alex: Seems your intel was solid. Good going there. So, how long before they jump in?

We were situated in a tree line, hard to spot without dedicated equipment. 

Camellia: What are they waiting for? They seem set up and ready

I studied the ridge on which Aogiri had positioned themselves. They were just standing there, all creepy like. That didn't last too long as the giant gate opened in the center of Cochlea and they all poured in.

Camellia: Well that answers that question

We waited for every member of Aogiri to enter before diving in ourselves. Good lord was it absaloute chaos. Aogiri had managed to make it the the control room before we even got in, which meant we had some ghouls to kill. On our guide down, Alex suggested we split and kill any ghoul we come across. It sounded good to me and Camellia, so we split as soon as we landed.

I jumped off the catwalk, deeper into the complex while the other two took off in different directions. Upon landing on yet another catwalk, I elected to skip the battle taking place on the floor below me and head into one of the complex's many corridors. I was on the right path it seems, there were CCG bodies everywhere.

But that was cut short by a room full of Aogiri bodies with... someone, covered in stitches and with a huge ass sycthe, sitting against a wall. Opposite me stood two ghouls, one in black and the other in white. One of them had a mask with black and white verticle stripes, the other horozontile. 

The kid with the Sycthe stood up and looked at the two girls

Stiches: Oh what fun! More ghouls

Black: It's Rei

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