Upon a mid-summers night

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Dove 1: Sir, please

Y/n: I don't want to have to kill you

The second Dove took a step towards me, so I readied my self. Another step and I grabbed his head and crushed it, consuming him before using my whip fist to grab the second, lifting him by the neck

Y/n: I did warn you... you should really carry radios

I then snapped his neck in my hands, his head going limp. I sighed and closed my eyes

Y/n: Well... shouldn't take too long to clean up

I looked behind me, the bodies can be... used, the blood however I would have to mop up. Touka got up to see me still holding the body, Kaneki soon after, he was stunned into silence, like stumble back into the wall stunned

Y/n: Once I clean up I'm taking the day off

Touka: Where are you going?

Y/n: For a walk... a very enthusiastic moonlight walk

I got to work cleaning up. Touka and Kaneki moved the bodies... somewhere and I mopped up the blood. Once I was done, I put all the stuff away and stretched. It was midday, nice and sunny, people were moving about, doing their thing and I was about to spend the rest of this sunny weather trying to figure out where Blackwatch had set up. Before I could leave however, someone was standing before me

Yoshimura: And where are you going?

Y/n: Out

Yoshimura: If you're planning to strike out against whatever organisation that hunts you, I ask you inform me now

Y/n: No, not today, though I suspect I'll be put into the situation

Yoshimura: Where are you going?

Y/n: Is there a, uh, a GenTek building somewhere?

Yoshimura: Yes, there is. In the fourteenth ward

Y/n: Good... good. I'll be off now!

I tried to walk past him, but Yomo was standing behind him with his arms crossed

Y/n: Ok, if you're going to try and talk me out of this, you can't

Yoshimura: If that is so, then can I at least know what you intend to find?

Y/n: Clues to the other... me that's in Tokyo

Yoshimura sighed and moved aside, letting me out. I made my way to the fourteenth ward, and upon the rooftops, I could see it, the GenTek building. I started running towards it, jumping over street after street until I was a few hundred meters from it, where I was brought to a sudden stop. On the rooftop in front of me, his back turned looking at the GenTek building, was Alex Mercer, his arms crossed, hood up.

I jumped next to him and stood silent for a second before taking a large sigh and looking at him

Y/n: What do you want?

Alex: I was wondering when you'd get bored of that coffee shop

Y/n: You haven't answered my question

Alex: Top floor of that building, there's a room, lined with five inches of warship worthy armour. In that room, behind six inches of bulletproof glass, is a person. More of a thing to be honest

Y/n: You want me to kill it?

Alex: You couldn't

Y/n: Excuse me?

Alex: The thing in that room is Pariah

I tried to study his face for any sign of this being a joke. Unfortunately I couldn't find anything

Japan's Virus ( Prototype x Tokyo Ghoul)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt