Doves and Demons

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Once the truck arrived at its destination, I once again took Juzo and Shinohara to a room, where a good amount of doctors attended to him almost instantly. Juzo wasn't allowed near him, but he could see his mentor and that was enough for him. 

I, however, was pulled away by a couple of officers who lead me to an interview room, which was windowless. Marude entered shortly after with Mado in tow. The officers handcuffed one of my hands to the table. Then the interview began.

Marude: You claim to not be a ghoul, can you prove that?

Y/n: Have me walk through one of those RC detector things, or take a sample of my blood... do I even have blood?

Mado: Why did you come to Choclea?  

Y/n: I have a vested interest in the CCG succeeding, especially against Aogiri Tree

Marude: Why?

Y/n: Should they succeed here, it would set a president across the world that I cannot allow to pass uncontested 

Marude: You said you were dead, mind elaborating?

Y/n: I have no pulse, I don't respire, I don't eat and I don't drink. By all accounts, I am no longer living

Mado: Yet here you are

Y/n: The result of some top-secret US department of defence plan that backfired. I don't know the details

Marude: So, what do you want here?

Y/n: To join the CCG

Marude: You wish to join us?

I nodded

Marude: Your examination will begin Monday, at nine. Don't be late

Marude made a move to leave, however, Mado stopped him.

Mado: Sir, I watched him fight, we don't need to examine him, he is already among one of the best, should he join

 Y/n: No, I should go through examination like everybody else

Come that day, I passed any test they presented me along with a few dozen other candidates who had made it clear they had come through the academy, unlike myself. I, of course, got into the CCG, placed at the lowest rank despite my clear skills due to my "inexperience" with ghouls. So... they didn't know all too much about me, good. 

I spent a few months as an investigator, becoming quick friends with Juzo and by proxy, the new leader of the Quinx squad, Haise, who I knew as Kaneki, but kept up appearances. It didn't take long for me to figure out that I wouldn't have to stick at this rank long as I was almost imminently promoted after I dispatched a ghoul looking for a quick meal... being me, and I got a nice quinque out of it. 

However, I stuck as a Third-class investigator for a while under my superior, Matsouka Nori, a First-class investigator. Which takes me to now, diligently filling out a report on my new quinque acquisition, when she came in.

Nori: L/n! We have a new case, ward sixteen. Come on, let's get moving 

Y/n: On my way

I was dying to get out of that chair and into the world. I grabbed the black coat hanging off the back of my chair and slipped it on as a half-jogged towards the door where she was waiting, my new quinque in my hand.

We talked and walked to the car, where I got in the driver's seat and she in the passenger's. 

Y/n: Sixteenth ward. Do we have any detail on this one?

Nori: Alias is "sin" due to his tendency to only kill those who he has believed to sin

Y/n: So a bad horror movie villain

Japan's Virus ( Prototype x Tokyo Ghoul)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang