Our little fortress

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Good god! Everyone is on deck today. We're all working... help. Hinami came running downstairs and was obviously excited. We were all, aside from Touka, setting up Anteiku. Nishiki was complaining about moving tables. I was liting two tables like paper while Iris was stocking the shelves by throwing the goods on there from across the room.

Nishiki: Hey! You guys are cheating!

Iris: It's not cheating if you're just better than everyone else

Y/n: Aw, thanks for the compliment!

I placed down the tables and kicked the chairs into place. Hinami soon walked in carrying a plant, asking if it would look good by the door. She then went to help whats-her-face clean the windows. Iris and I began lounging about, we were done.

Nishiki: Since when could you two take a break?!

Y/n: We're done. Waiting on you guys

Nishiki: Oh come on! Hey hang on... where's Touka?

Iris: Entrance exams for Kami

Nishiki: Kami? She'll never get in. Those exams are brutal

Irimi: She's made up her mind... no stopping her

Nishiki: Why Kami? You don't think...

Camellia: Kaneki 

She was perched on the balcony banister, scaring Hinami 

Camellia: Sorry kid. Y/n! We have a situation. Blackwatch is deploying armour to the first five wards

I walked out to meet her

Y/n: Hitting it now would be ill advised. Say, what's Aogiri Tree's next move?

Camellia: The thirteenth ward. No good for us...

Nishiki: You guys aren't considering going up against tanks are you?

I looked out over the city. I could see helicopters patrolling the city center

Y/n: They've deployed helo's too?

Camellia: free transport 

I shook my head at that, she wasn't wrong. Nishiki, Irimi and Koma joined us outside. Iris splayed herself on a table and got on her phone

Irimi: Yoshimura won't be happy if you go out killing

Y/n: We may not have to... Camellia, how's your infiltration?

Camellia: I prefer a straight up fight

Y/n: I'm tied down by these ghouls. If James comes knocking I'll need to be here. If you could... convince the resident general to redeploy his forces

Camellia: Give me a couple of days... I expect to be paid back for this!

She jumped off the balcony and made her way to the choppers to steal one.I sighed and shook my head

Y/n: Well, I best write a will because she'll kill me with her payment

Iris: I don't think so! She's being live streamed right now. Some guy on a bike

I laughed openly. She's been caught already by a civy no less. Could be worse

Y/n: You all done?

Irimi: Just a few more windows

Y/n: Tell the old man I'm going out

I leaped into the air and began running from building to building. I was going to watch Kaneki's next antic. I had an idea he would strike at a CCG FoB but I would be wrong. He took his ghouls to blackwatch. I was tailing him. It was evening so the shadows concealed me as I followed him after finding him in a back alley. he got to the Blackwatch base and took spots above it on the surrounding buildings. I was behind him on an even taller building. I think he knew I was there

I watched him order an attack but it resulted in nothing, the first wave was gunned down almost effortlessly. Blackwatch was used to stronger and faster targets with usually hoards of units backing them up. 

I was called from behind me. Ayato

Ayato: What do you think you're doing here?

Y/n: Taking on Blackwatch is stupid

Ayato: They're just humans, how hard could it be? Now, why are you here?

Y/n: They're not just human. They have super soldiers, see those squads near the gates? They'll tear a ghoul in half 

Ayato: Answer my damn question!

Y/n: Blackwatch is often my target. I wanted to see how you guys would hold up. Say, after your next wave fails, I'll go in

Ayato: Come on, we'll have to talk to eye-patch 

I sighed and jumped down to meet him

Kaneki: Y/n... what are you doing here?

Y/n: Saving your hide. I'll go in next

Kaneki: That won't be needed

Y/n: I disagree. Not like you can stop me

Kaneki turned to me. Determination in his eyes 

Kaneki: Are you sure?

Y/n: Care to put it to the test?

He activated his kagune and lunged at me. I side stepped him and elbowed him in the back sending him crashing into the floor. I then picked him up by his leg and flung him at a building. He went straight into those offices. He leaped back at me so I just kicked him in the face

Y/n: Are we done?

I offered him a hand up which he took. I turned and leaped into the base, dead center

Blackwatch: Eye's on hostile! Thanatos identified. Red crown requesting strike package

I then got to work, dodging tank shells and murdering the fifty or so soldiers present in the courtyard. It was short work but easy. Soon enough I was in the base murdering them, the strike package arriving all too late.

I of course jacked a helo and used it to take out the other two and the viral scanner that's with them, before landing the helo on the building behind Kaneki. I got out and leaned on my new prize.

Kaneki: Since when could you fly a helicopter?

Y/n: Learnt this trick about a month or two after I got my condition. I can move faster on foot though.

Kaneki: Well thank you for the assistance. We'll be taking this base now

Y/n: Oh I don't think so

Ayato: Excuse you?

Y/n: That base is mine. You'd best scram before I murder you

Ayato: Why you little

He activated his Kagune but Kaneki put a hand on his shoulder

Kaneki: We shouldn't mess with him, you know that

Ayato sighed and relented. I simply smiled and made my way into the base yet again. At it's center, using all the dead bodies around me, I realsed Redlight. I needed some sort of insurance against the ghouls should a large scale attack happen, and this was the easiest way. blackwatch would think the ghouls took the base and I get a free hive 

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