Things just got a little intresting

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I was starting my normal shift after a less than stellar day at school. Kankei got back only a few minutes before me making me the last one in.

Touka: You're late

Y/n: Yada yada

She scoffed at this and turned away. A few seconds later the bell for the door rang reviling a visibly eccentric man dressed in purple... with purple hair. Touka was half way through saying the whole "hello, welcome to" thing.

???: What is the strange new smell?! It's so... invigorating

Y/n: Yes, that would be the smell of the verbal vomit that was spoken by a man in purple but a few seconds ago

???: Feisty, I like it...

Touka: Touch anyone without consent and I'll take your head off, Shuu

He then spots Kankei and takes and interest in him, at this point if given up and taken a little wander down a back ally where, of course two guys in cloaks were waiting

Y/n: Guessing you guys are ghouls who wanna try and eat me and if that is the case just know... I'm the superior hunter

A few seconds went by before I got stabbed through the head... With a hand?

???: Some hunter

I began to snicker, then laugh.

Y/n: That all you got?! This is how you kill!

I dashed of the hand with a blade arm imminently cleaving one guy in half before jumping and opening up the other guys chest. I turned around to see the other guy running. I changed my arm to my not so used whip fist ability before using to drag him towards me by his leg. Once he got to me I picked him up by his throat.

Y/n: Now you guys are wearing matching uniforms, so who do you serve?

???: Fuck off

Y/n: Ok, its easier this way

I simply ripped off his head and consumed him but all I got where a mess of images I couldn't even see.

Y/n: Huh, guess my body isn't used to the ghouls nervous system

I looked up and saw Touka standing there... oooooohhhhhh shhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiittttttttt...

Time time tiiiiiimmmmmeeeee skip

I was sitting down in a meeting room of sorts with everyone looking at me

Y/n: Um... What's going on?

Touka: That trick you pulled, absorbing that ghoul into you! What was it?!

Y/n: I thought a blacklights consume ability was common knowledge... Anyway me and others like me have the ability to absorb or consume people and animals to rejuvenate and gain new abilities. It also allows us to see the memories and take the appearance of the thing we consume. It's why I find school pointless, I've already done it over a thousand times or more...

Kankei: Um, how many people have you... Consumed?

Y/n: Way too many to count

Yoshimura: That ghoul you... consumed... did you gain any ghoul like abilities?

Y/n: No, my body isn't used to ghoul physiology and as such the only thing I gained was an increase in understanding of ghouls

Kankei: That's... Unnatural

Y/n: You need sleep... We have school tomorrow

Touka: And you don't?

Y/n: I don't rest, don't need it. I'm going out

Yoshimura: May I ask where?

Y/n: My apartment then I'm going to find a Blackwatch officer

Touka: Aren't they hunting you?

Y/n: Officially yes, actually no

And so I walked out and started towards my apartment until I smelt something behind me. I decided to pay no attention to it, dismissing it as some anti-ghoul stuff until I got stabbed in the back, forcing me to a knee.

Y/n: What the hell is this??

???: A cancer made by Mercer to take scum like you down

My body wouldn't shape-shift and I began to get tired. However I still had my speed and so I dashed off to my apartment. I needed to contact Mercer.

Once I got home I pulled out my phone and found Mercers contact info. He used to operate on a "I'll find you" policy but that was scraped for quicker communication. I sent him a text stating that I'd been infected with a cancer that limits my ability to shape-shift

Japan's Virus ( Prototype x Tokyo Ghoul)Where stories live. Discover now