To Kamii

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Kankei: The entrance exams are way too hard!

Y/n: I have thousands and thousands of minds in me, I think I can deal with a few exams

???: You are one strange character

Y/n: That I am. I... Never got your name

Yoshimura: Yoshimura

Y/n: I'll try and remember that. Anyway, Kankei, I should be in the school by the end of the week

Kankei: Great

Y/n: Anyway, as soon as this rain subsides I'll be off

Touka: Good riddance

Y/n: Well you're just a bundle of joy and happiness aren't you?

Touka: I could kick your ass!

Y/n: It was a two on one and I still wiped the floor with you

She scoffed at this and sat down with her arms crossed

Time skip, half way to apartment

I was walking down a quite street, half way home, until I heard a rapid beeping

Y/n: Oh for fucks sake, were you stalking me?

A squad of blackwatch soldiers surrounded me

Blackwatch1:  DOWN ON THE GROUND!

Y/n: Ok, I am going to appeal to your sense of self preservation. I've wiped out entire bases in less than 10 minutes, now if you want to live I recommend you get out of here

I saw a few of them hesitate, some even lowering their guns

Blackwatch2: Sir, we don't stand a chance. By engaging him we will only make him stronger

Y/n: You good sir, are smart. I recommend you listen to him

The commander was contemplating wether or not he should retreat

Commander: Alright. You destroy the scanner. I'll report in saying you escaped, no casualties suffered but viral scanner destroyed and you'll just leave?

Y/n: Done

I hit the scanner destroying it and I then walked off, hearing him honour his end of the bargain. I got home shortly after, applied to Kamii, and got accepted for the exams which I'd be taking within the week so I just payed on bed waiting

Time skip a few days to Thursday after school

I was walking to work at Anteiku and when I got there I just went into the back, morphed into the uniform and began to work, Yoshimora had offered to teach me how to make coffee ect but I already knew so I got to work right away and I notice a man with glasses and blond/brown hair was also working here

???: Kankei, who's the chump?

Y/n: I just so happen to be the guy who destroyed Kankei and Touka in a backstreet brawl

Kankei: He's not wrong. His name is Y/n and he's a transfer student in Kamii now

Y/n: And I am not proud of it. Those entrance exams were way too easy

???: Great

Y/n: What's your name boy?

Nishiki: WHAT DID YOU CALL ME?! It's Nishiki

Y/n: Well then Nishiki. I called you a boy

Nishiki: You do know you're younger than me

Y/n: I can turn into a 50 year old crazy general if you want

Nishiki: Is he insane?

I turned into a blackwatch solider and he was in shock

Nishiki: I revoke my previous statement

A/n: Short chapter I know but I want your opinion on a few things. 1) who should y/n love ingest be and should there be any lemons? 2) Should y/n focus on taking down the CCG, Blackwatch or Ghoul terrorist or become Kankei or another charters guardian angel? 3) Would you want y/n to announce himself or stay on the down low

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