Wild ones

951 19 11

A while had passed since the Mado incident as I have come to call it. Hinami had moved in with Touka completely, with a new pet bird. Camellia and I... well we haven't talked anything over but we're getting more comfortable around one another again. Iris is still draining my debit cards while Kaneki is still his painfully innocent self.

More doves had moved into the 20th ward due to increased ghoul activity, oops. As such, very slow day for Touka, Kaneki and I, so we were just lounging around.

Kaneki: So... Y/n, I'm curious, how does this hive mind of yours work?

I sighed and sat down

Y/n: Alright, there are a few types of things that connect to it, but I'll focus on two. The first is your average biomass, they transmit all information to the hive. Then we exist, we can selectively use the hive to retrieve and send information, when we do, everything can pick up on it, which is why we still talk. That and we have to forcibly add ourselves to it

Kaneki: So you don't start connected?

Y/n: No, we have to consume a number of infected individuals

We started on more cheerful talks, how Hinami was doing, where we'd like to go on holiday, blah blah blah. Soon enough however the window next to me broke, I instinctively turned to it and grabbed whatever just broke it, turns out I grabbed it's leg as I flung him into a table

???: Bastard! 

Whoever it was got up and activated a wing like kagune 

Y/n: This bitch related to you Touka? I'd hate to kill the only family you have

???: Who the hell even are you? 

Touka: Ayato?

Ayato: Long time no see, sis. Still with these cowards?

Touka: The hell are you doing here?

I finally got a good look at him, slightly taller than Touka, same hair... somehow more edgy. Wait I run with Alex Mercer, the undisputed edge lord so it's possible. He had a very similar kagune to her too

Y/n: I do not appreciate being called a coward!

Ayato: And who the hell are you?

Y/n: The resident cold blooded murderer and caretaker of these kids who have the collective street smarts of a pine cone

Ayato: You don't look like much

I stuttered a second... did... did he forget? Did I cause brain damage?

Y/n: I did just throw you into a table

He then shot a bunch of shards at me, I used my armour ability to simply have them bounce off. I then punched him in the face, straight into the wall

???: You had your fun yet, Ayato? Oh... well this is interesting 

Y/n: Who the fuck are you?

???: Got no manners kid?

Y/n: Whom'st the fuck are you?

???: Got a mouth on you huh? Let's see how much you talk when I rip your head off!

Touka: Should I tell him? 

I shook my head. The guy looked like a pedophile, I'm going to be honest... a really high class pedophile, but a pedophile none the less. He charged me with surprising agility, but not enough, as I jumped onto his shoulder and kicked him in the back of the head

???2: Yamori!

Y/n: So you're Yamori huh? Then who's the walking pride parade?

???3: I told you. You can't handle him

That... voice... no. He was still in the states right? No way. I turned to the street and there stood James Heller

James: Nico, Yamori, get clear. I'm going to teach this fucking traitor a lesson

Y/n: Can't betray what you never believed in you shit for brains

Kaneki: W-who is that?

James: You haven't told them about me? 

Y/n: Touka, Kaneki, meet James Heller, mentally unstable, is obsessed with Mercer a little too much, and hates my guts. James, meet Touka, Ayato's somehow less edgy sister, and Kaneki, the one eyed ghoul who is as innocent as your daughter... Sorry, deceased child

James: You shit eating fucking bitch!

He charged me with hammer fists, I dodged and countered with claws, slashing his side. This let him swing around and hit me round the head with his hammer fists, sending me flying. I landed about ten meters away, to see him in mid air about to try and elbow drop me. I jumped up to meet him, kicking him in the face and grabbing his leg. I threw him into the Anteiku building... straight into Ayato as it turns out. 

In the resulting dust cloud, I could only guess what was happening, so I switched to thermal, just in time to see Heller use his whip fist to grab me and drag me towards him, where I was punched in the face by him, sending me falling, so I tucked and flipped backwards.

I then charged him with the giant blade strapped to my arm, slashing his stomach, but not cutting him in half. I followed this up by doing the whole stomp thing, sending him, Ayato, Kaneki and Yamori in the air. Kaneki looked like shit, Touka was knocked out cold, Yamori only looked pissed and Ayato wanted to kill me, so he tried, but only annoyed me.

I however couldn't priorities him, my focus was on James, so I duplicated myself behind him and threw him into the wall before using actual me to pounce on him and slash at his face. At this point however, and what I didn't notice at the time, was Yamori, Nico and Ayato leaving with Kaneki. I was still trying to kill James

A/N: Short chapter I know, but patience. I'm going to be working on another crossover for the rest of the week and a bit after, as such, this will only see short, light and few updates. I hope you understand, but my favorite book I'm writing rn is The dragon of CHB

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