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Remi: what are all of your favorite holidays

Sera: Christmas, cause I can buy myself anything, and there's snow :)

John: Yeah, my favorite is Christmas, it's the best

John: like there's snow, and hot chocolate, and telling kids Santa isn't real

Blyke: that sounds like something Arlo would do

Remi: That actually is something Arlo did

Remi: Once Arlo, Rei and I were walking to the store to get stuff for Christmas, and there was this kids play place by the entrance and exit, and when we were leaving, Arlo went to them and yelled that Santa wasn't real, and ran off.

John: brO

Remi: Yeah all the kids started crying and he was banned from the store

Arlo: It was worth it, though.

Sera: wow, that's the first time i've ever heard arlo do something cool

Arlo: I try.

Remi: back to the question, what are your favorite holidays :D

Sera: Christmas

John: Christmas

Arlo: Halloween, I like to scare children, and when they drop their candy I go home and watch It

Isen: Halloween, my hair is literally the Halloween colors, so I'm always in the spirit

Blyke: I gotta say Halloween, Remi, Isen and I always go trick or treating, and then we go to the forest to scare children, ending it off with a horror movie marathon

Remi: Yeah, Halloween is my favorite holiday as well :3

John: Never thought the most sweetest person in this gc, and probably the school, would like the holiday that worships demons and the devil

Remi: I like handing out candy to children as well :D

John: statement reenacted

Sera: guUUuUUUyyYyYYYyyYYsSsSsssSsSssssSSS

Blyke: ?

Arlo: What.

Isen: yeah

John: wassup

Remi: yesh

Sera: let's go to a haunted house on Halloween

Elaine: nO

John: whOA I forgot elaine existed

Isen: so did the author :))

Blyke: Seraphina why tf would you want to go to a haunted house after the amusement park situation

Sera: we need more fun in our lives

Remi: haha no

Arlo: Sure.


Isen: wow, never thought arlo would agree to going

Arlo: I can just take kids candy after

Elaine: guys, have you literally forgot about the whole Ghost Girl incident

Isen: no ;')

Remi: i'll go, since this time I WON'T GET BLAMED IF WE ALL DIE

Blyke: guess I have no choice but to go

John: no ones forcing you

Blyke: yEAH but I don't wanna be lonely like you, especially on Halloween

John: well then I'm not going ;-;

Sera: don't worry, I'll look for FAKE haunted houses, so there's a smaller chance we'll die

John: thats soothing

Sera: oOOoOo let's do this one, it's a mansion :0

Sera: spookyscaryskeletons.screenshot.jpg

John: I dunnoOOOOOO

Remi: John stop being a poosi

Isen: poosi

Blyke: poosi

Sera: poosi

Arlo: Poosi.

Elaine: poosi


Elaine: well im going now


Sera: yay :D

Remi: cant wait :3


Hey guys, sorry for such a short chapter, I was writing this during class QwQ
Anyways, the haunted house thing will be for Halloween, so I'll be getting it ready to post either exactly on Halloween, or the day before or after
Anyways, bye!

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