The day we began to make a plan

Start from the beginning

"If I get the role, I want to get married before we start shooting." Camila needed this to be clear to Lauren. Because if she was going to go an extended amount of time without seeing the older woman, she wanted, at the very least, to be able to call her her wife. She didn't want a film shoot to cause any delays in their planned future together.

"Babe, I'm ready whenever you are," Lauren shrugged before leaning her head down to rest on Camila's shoulder. "I'd take you to town hall right now and marry you on the spot."

"Wait, really?" Because this wasn't something she'd considered to be an option. She was sure that Lauren would've wanted the big wedding with all their friends and family before them. She knew she wanted that as well but she wanted to simply be married to Lauren more.

"I've had the big, fancy wedding, remember?" The green-eyed girl shrugged. "Don't get me wrong, I would still love to see you walking down an aisle to me in a dress I'd be more than a little excited to get you out of, but that's always something we could do later. If you want to get married sooner, have it be official sooner...I'm all in."

"The sooner we're married, the sooner Lia's officially my daughter too."

"I knew you only wanted me so you could parent my daughter." The older woman sat back and feigned a glare.

"You got me, I'm kidnapping her with the help of Bolt and you'll never see us again."

"Shut up," Lauren scoffed, pushing Camila away playfully. "That's literally my worst nightmare."

"Me kidnapping Natalia?"

"A world where you're both not with me." Lauren sobered up her musings softly. "I can't imagine anything worse."

"Well," Camila brought their lips together for a soft kiss and let her forehead rest against her love's. "I'm not going anywhere and I will make damn sure our daughter isn't either." She kissed Lauren's forehead softly before pulling away and releasing a sigh. "On that note; I want to talk to Ash again. You were right when you said I was too harsh and I should apologise to her for that. I'm not ready to just forget what she did but I am going to try to let her back in again. Not like before, I don't think she and I will ever be like before again, but I want...our family back together, I guess."

"You know you don't owe her a thing, right? As much as it'd make me happy and Lia happy to see you two back on track again, it's completely fine if you're not ready for that. What she did hurt you and it hurt us for a moment, I haven't forgiven her for it either."

"She's our family, Laur," Camila shrugged. "She's gonna be our family for a long time and I don't want our daughter growing up thinking it's okay to be separate from her family, I want to make sure she knows we're always better off together."

"And our future kids." Lauren blushed as she said the words.

"And our gorgeous future kids I'm more than a little excited to meet one day."

"I want you to have the big wedding, you deserve the big wedding, Camz." Lauren decided, her eyes shining with stars that only the brunette could bring out. "If you want to get married soon, we'll get married soon, but you deserve that big wedding and you're gonna get it." She pressed a soft kiss to her fiancee's cheek. "I'll call Dinah right now to help out with planning it."

"You know if you call Dinah, she'll call your mom and my mom and then we're gonna have no say in the entire thing."

"Doesn't that just make life so much easier?"

"Nope," Camila shook her head with a playful smile settled on her lips. "We're going with a big wedding so we're doing all the cake tastings and the flower arrangements, I'm gonna make you work for this, baby."

"Speaking of work," Lauren groaned irritably. "I have to meet with a client in half an hour so you're up for watching the gremlin. Lucy said she'd be coming over though so I know both my girls are taken care of."

"You're bringing in a babysitter to babysit me while I babysit, wow." Camila shoved the older woman playfully.

"She said she's bringing wine."

"Have I mentioned how much I love spending time with Lucy? She should definitely be over more."

"Careful, I might get jealous."

"Oh you definitely should be, she had a crush on me first, technically, she had dibs. You fucked her over a little bit, some friend you are."

"You know it's a choice to be a little shit, right? You don't have to be this way."

"You wouldn't have me any other way," Camila stood up and Lauren was quick to follow suit. "Get ready for your meeting, I'm gonna call Luce and ask her to catch a movie with Lia and I."

"I can't believe you're going on a date and you're bringing our daughter along, should she start calling Lucy her mom now too?"

"Who do you think will be driving the getaway car when I kidnap the gremlin and disappear into the sunset?"

"You're the worst."

"That's a lie," Camila leaned forward and pecked the green-eyed woman's lips. "Please don't wear that black dress suit for your meeting, the last thing I want is to fend off another of your admirers.""How many have you fended off so far?"

"I mean, I had to steal you from Lucy, then there was Hayley and you ended up marrying Ashley," Camila scoffed before rolling her eyes. "You've always been in high demand, Ms. Jauregui."

"God, you're right, what if this client is my soulmate and you've just been a placeholder all along?"

"Next joke, idiot." Camila rolled her eyes once again, far too secure in her belief that she and Lauren were meant to be.

"Go call your new girlfriend and spoil our daughter, I'll see you later." Lauren pressed another kiss to her future wife's lips, wondering if there would ever be a day where the mere touch didn't excite her.

"Hey, weirdo," Camila called Lauren back as she turned to their wardrobe to get changed. Green eyes met shining brown ones instantly. "I love you."

"I love you more." Lauren winked and she was sure she'd never heard truer words leave her lips.

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