chapter 2

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The morning sunrise, it was a beautiful mix of every shade of orange and red there was, nearly every shade you can think. The distant view was accentuated with the sun slowly rising from its place of hiding near the far hilltops, its morning glow gleaming over the horizon.

In that respect, in different times and contrasting morning rituals five other teenagers awoke to attend their school.

Maybe it was the heavy weight that finally lifted off her shoulders, but unlike what she did back in paris marinette surprisingly managed to wake up before the sun even had a chance to rose. The sleep managed to relax her. She hadn't slept like this for as long as she could try to remember, so this definitely helped a lot.

Otherwise, from the very second she woke up and acknowledged that today was Monday, blood had since ran cold as marinette internally dreaded the prospect with attending this new school, a large mix of raw anguish and fear making it noticeable for her as it churned in her stomach all at once; not only she'll be going to a completely different school with completely different people this new semester, she had definitely feared that this semester just might be just the same as dupont. After her whole will had been diminished after losing the respect of those around her, it was almost clear that she'd actually since gotten used to being pushed by her so-called friends as she walked through the halls and the insults they'd give her behind her back, and the professor and headmaster barely doing a single thing about it to cease the harassment, only bequeathing their sympathy onto your greatest adversary. Maybe it was some sort of price to pay when you're the pariah of the whole school, especially when that as a fate even you know you didn't deserve at all.

Before she knew it, the bedroom door opened where marinette sat up. Standing in the distance was a politely smiling gina, quietly peering at mari before speaking up.

"Wakey wakey Marinetta."

Connie awoke aside her a few minutes after, which basically gave her enough time to do some aerobics and try out a few miles on the treadmill; trying to keep quiet for the sake of everyone sleeping in the house. She wanted her physical condition to be in tiptop shape as much as she could to try to retain her place on the swimming team.

After a short break followed by a shower, she checked that she had at least another hour to leave for school. After making herself a cup of hot green tea she later went backstairs to her room to stare out the window to watch the sun slowly set over the horizon from her windowsill. Most people didn't like the early morning, and she can sympathise with that-but like steven she loved it, mainly because of the quiet tranquility it offered.

Having been constantly immersed on schoolwork and other extracurricular activities and afterschool practices, along with being the top of the class with super high grades didn't make her exactly suitable to be popular at all. Basically being fit to be a gifted student along with being the perfect daughter with a lot on her plate only made for her being outcasted by her peers for being the school nerd.

Connie however chose to shake her head to try to snap herself out of it; instead of accepting defeat to any self-deprecating thoughts she instead chose to buoy her pride, along with her gorgeous dark burnt-umber curls that always rested above her shoulders, afloat.

Sabrina sighed as she twisted the knob that activated the shower, and slid the colourful shower curtain to the side, grabbing her towel from the rack as soon as she quickly proceeded to make her way out of her personal washroom.

Her parents were thankfully still asleep, her pudgy mum tightly wrapped in her father's muscular, hairy arms. From there, the look on her sleeping father' face had almost look like he had been crying.

What was supposed to be a romantic dinner date between his wife turned out to be the opposite as everyone in sight had feared his presence. His wife tried to make sure that he was ok-but he held his resolve together until he immediately broke. He spent the whole night begging for her not to leave him, with her assuring that she would never.

SpellboundOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora