chapter 1

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The crisp night air was foreboding, pretty much perfect for a ritual.

In the room of a homey two-story house sat a muscular, handsome-looking older teenager. He grabbed his long overnight duffle bag that stood over next to his bedside drawer and browsed in front of his shelf as he later tossed in the essentials he'll be requiring for tonight; candlesticks, various bags of herbs, an athame, and in his top drawer, a lighter.

After that gathering steven later left his room, turning off the light and closing the door behind him, later walking down the hall and to the stairs. As he made it to the downstairs hall he silently peered to the sitting room. The sounds resounding from the flatscreen tv idly played as he carefully stared at a woman with fluffy light pink hair dressed in nightwear from his place, her apathetic gaze remained untouched as she scrolled through her phone.

Steven had bargained that the coast was clear every night he snuck out, it's not like his stepmother had actually managed to care, ever since she enabled custody of him she was far too immersed in her own unimportant business to actually even bother to notice him.

He missed his father and mum being together a lot. The curvy and statuesque woman with long pink ringlets that he loved with all of his heart just like his father once did had gone separate ways with both of them, now she was replaced with a woman who didn't have the same comforting aura that rose bought with her. It had deeply hurt steven's heart to realise that his parents were due to file a divorce. It was like all the colour in steven's own perfect little world had drained at the announcement, his new personality making the effect of how he took it basically known. Even though greg had recently divorced pink since they weren't on the best terms things still haven't been the same for him ever since.

Shaking his head at his inattentive stepmum quietly, he slowly made a beeline for the front door. Steven mentally took it to mean right then and there that pink seemed to be completely preoccupied with her phone as always and opened the door to leave, grabbing his keys out of the pocket of his leather jacket.

Sabrina, connie and darcy were all gathered in the grass, located in the veranda of sabrina's yard, individually unpacking and gathering their own equipment needed for the ritual. Sabrina's parents were away on a dinner date and wouldn't be back for at least a good while, so naturally, this gave her an idea to use this space to her full advantage.

Sabrina stopped busying herself with gathering her supplies as soon as the doorbell's ring went off.

"That must be her now," she assumed. She stood up from her knees and unlocked the balcony door, sliding it open and letting the cool air rush in the other side of the house. Sabrina walked out of the veranda and into the hall to answer the door, and before her stood steven.

"You made great timing, come on in." she allowed, smirking as steven allowed himself in.

"Sorry I was late," steven apologised briefly, before smirking as he followed sabrina's lead.

"A fellow witch is never late." Winking at him, sabrina unlocked the screen door and slid it open, a burst of an uncomfortable wave of the night's chilly air rushing in through the house.

Steven walked outside making his arrival known to the other ladies while Sabrina remained, looking around shiftily from those who will remain. It had been at least a good two seconds until she closed the door behind her.

"Heeeey, steven," darcy waved at him, voice lowered almost seductively. Connie blushed as she looked up at him, before smiling as steven's lips prodded against her cheek.

"Merry meet ladies." Kneeling with them, steven set down his dufflebag and zipped it halfway, reaching a muscular hand in to reveal a bundle of sage hidden inside. "Let's get right to it."

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